Chinese Boxchip A10 based tablet - Need to identiy more and work on replacement firmw


Jun 26, 2012

I have a product manufactured (sold) by Dafong or Lang Ke Tai technology with what is supposed to be an A10 Boxchip processor. Model number as quoted is L107B and the model as seen in the info area of Android is Q972. Specs that I know of -

Firmware name as emailed to me - sun4i_crane_Q972_ov2659_384.EN.img
Capacitance multi touch 9.7"
Android 4.03
Baseband 4.0.12
Kernel 3.08+ (and this info crownh808@CBServer #26)
build number - crane_Q972_ov2659_284-eng 4.0.3 IML74K 20120614 test-keys
Flash 16, Ram 1

The original firmware was a mess and the system was changing menus and launching things on it's own. The new firmware supplied seems stable but no apps can be installed and updates will not work. Likely something wrong with the app directory permissions.

I would like to try some custom stuff if I can get some guidance of what might work.


Hi ! I have the Q973 and bricked it when I tried to do a root, any idea where I can get the firmware plus instructions ?
Thankx, Max