Christmas Gift


Dec 3, 2011
Am i the only one that hasnt opened their Lepan yet? My wife bought it weeks ago as a gift but im being traditional and waiting till ....well christmas eve to open to charge it and then to play on christmas day. I have been following along on this forum for weeks and i feel like im 6 YEARS OLD:) thank u all for the great reviews and tips on this tablet. I know im gonna love it are very disciplined!! Congrats on the tablet, good luck waiting the last two days...and we will be here for you when you need us.

Happy Holidays!
Yeah, you're way better at the "wait till xmas" game than I am. I lost that game spectacularly. My wife kept telling me over the past couple weeks she was gonna take it and make me wait - but she didn't :)
The "right thing to do" would have been for me to say "It's ok, honey, I'll wait. Here, you wrap it up and we'll open all our stuff together xmas morning" - but I didn't :p
Back ordered? Wow. I was even gonna have her preorder the Lepan II when i found out that was coming out but she got me the Lepan one when it was like 169 i think and im not sure doubling the ram is worth an Extra hundred plus an unknown waiting period. Im just hoping someone starts to develop some roms. I love the android technologyQUOTE=drwilhi;163709]I have to wait till the 27th or the 29th. (amazon back order sucks :( )[/QUOTE]
It's a LOT simpler when you buy YOUR OWN present like I did. Then, there was NO wait involved....LOL Now, all I have to do is figure out what apps I want to put on it after I upgrade the darn thing. OH well, been a FUN two weeks. THANK YOU Amazon AND Adroid!!!

Merry Christmas to all of you from Northern Wisconsin.
=) I am waiting too. My boyfriend bought me one and I have to wait. Christmas is tomorrow though so yay! I will have it then. I hope I loveit as much as I think I will.

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My wife opened hers on christmas, and I expect its main purpose will be to use Amazon Kindle. I loaded it woth about 20 books she will like.

The only comment so far, was about its weight.
She does get carpel tunnel pain so thinks holding it at an angle to read might agrivate that.

When on the streetcar, hopefully she can support it against the seat in front, so it is just resting there.

Other complaint I have is that all the cases I have seen, are great for landscape mode, but poor for portrait moe, the way you would read a book...
oh well, we'll figure that one out too...A
Other complaint I have is that all the cases I have seen, are great for landscape mode, but poor for portrait moe, the way you would read a book...

I hope you do figure something out, hopefully someone out there can suggest a case that would work well for her in portrait mode.