Chrome browser problems


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2011
Installed Chrome on my A700 today and it seems VERY slow/laggy compared to the stock Android browser. There's quite a bit of choppiness and draw-in as well.
Chrome is my browser of choice so I'm kind of bummed by this. :mad:

Has anyone else experienced this issue with Chrome on their A700?
Chrome may be your browser of choice on the desktop, but on a tablet, maybe not so much. Some people don't have problems with it on Android but it's all relative. I would try Dolphin Browser.

Another thought that may or may not help is to try restarting your router. Couldn't hurt.
I have no issues with Chrome on my A700, and actually have to use it for one of the online applications I use at work. For me, at least, it seems very responsive and quick.

However....I hate using Chrome. Dolphin Browser Beta is far and away the best browser I've ever used on my tablet and I can't recommend it enough.

Edit: Chrome just updated for me after upgrading to JB. Chrome is now slow and laggy.
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