Clear Playstation@mobile is available for ever on bottom right


Dec 25, 2012
How can I clear forever "Clear Playstation@mobile is available- Tap here to install the dedicated application." for ever on my Sony Tablet S? It pops up on the bottom right and I swipe to clear, but it keeps coming back up and is very annoying. Has to be away to clear or stop from coming up. When a new program is installed, you can swipe and they never come back but this is very annoying. Anyone have a solution???? Thanks
Probably noone can offer any advice, I have a tablet P but have never gotten that particular notification.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
There is a possibility you installed an app that's popping up ads. Install Airpush from the Store to see if it can ID it.
ill try it. Ever since I opened the box and turned it on for the first time it keeps appearing. Its set up for use with a playstation so im sure it wants you to buy one so you can sync it to the software that keeps popping up so the add will turn off.