CMP738A - Market simply will NOT download!


Mar 28, 2011
I am using Shad's 4.3 firmware, but I cannot seem to get Market to download anything! I have tried all of the tricks from the various sites/forums (clear all Google-related caches, reboot, etc.), but every download fails within a few seconds ("Download was unsuccessful"). I've done multiple factory resets, so that I could start the process all over again (clear cache, reboot, sign in to Market, etc.) -- nothing appears to work.

Does anyone else have any tricks to get Market to download? I've had same result both at work and at home, so I don't think it's any sort of network issue (Market worked fine on my Pandigital tablet). Also (FWIW), I've had the same issue on two different Craig tablets (one is going back to CVS today, but thought I'd try it on both of them while I have them) -- never could get Market to download on either tablet.

Thanks in advance!
I would go back with 4.2 from him. I have no issues.. Also found a neat app to turn off the Ringer that's using excess battery.
Thanks, tipstir -- I actually JUST flashed (downgraded) to 4.2, but still have the issue (same thing -- initially, get the Download Unsuccessful error -- then clear data/cache for everything, reboot, and now it just hangs at Starting Download again...).

Oh well, I'm confident it will work SOMEday soon.... lol...

BTW, what is the app (to turn off the ringer)? Thanks...
I have *no* clue what I did that fixed the issue, but it is working now. I went back to 4.3, and about the only thing different I can think of was that I created a new google account instead of using my existing one. But it still took a couple of cycles of data/cache clearing and rebooting before it worked. So I guess the moral of the story is "persistence will pay" -- just keep messing with it and it will eventually work! :)