Coby 7015 Calendar and Contacts:

looks like i can make your instruction, however, i would take your advice to wait and thank you so much for taking the time to reply with detailed instructions. by the way, any idea about flash for 7015?
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Success!! I now have bi-directional syncing with the calendar. My 7015 is just about perfect (for me anyway). If it could run flash, then it would be perfect!

I had installed the 5 files provided by jschill31 (thanks and congrats on your new son!). The calendar worked but would only sync in one direction (tablet to Google). I was also not seeing an "Accounts and Sync" option under settings.

Last night, I deleted the AccountsandSyncSettings.apk that jschill31 had provided and replaced it with the one from the latest version of Watery Kyros. I used clockworkmod to clean out the cache (don't know if this makes a difference but I figured it couldn't hurt) and rebooted. Lo and behold, I now had the "Accounts and Sync" option under settings and I could select the options for syncing the calendar. I checked it out and now things that I add to the Google calendar show up on the tablet within a few seconds. Not sure why this worked but the only thing I can think of is there is some incompatibility different versions of the AccountandSyncSettings.apk.

Just for reference, I use Root Explorer to move .apk files off of my SD card and into the /system/apps directory and then change the permissions so they will run properly. I have rooted my tablet and installed Google Market but I did not have to update the OS as it shipped with the 1.6a_20101129-1 version. Most everything in /system/apps is stock Coby. I am hoping this info may help other folks who are having similar problems installing the calendar.

By the way, I am using Jorte which is a free calendar app from the Google market as a front-end to the stock calendar. I highly recommend it.
Success!! I now have bi-directional syncing with the calendar. My 7015 is just about perfect (for me anyway). If it could run flash, then it would be perfect!

I had installed the 5 files provided by jschill31 (thanks and congrats on your new son!). The calendar worked but would only sync in one direction (tablet to Google). I was also not seeing an "Accounts and Sync" option under settings.

Last night, I deleted the AccountsandSyncSettings.apk that jschill31 had provided and replaced it with the one from the latest version of Watery Kyros. I used clockworkmod to clean out the cache (don't know if this makes a difference but I figured it couldn't hurt) and rebooted. Lo and behold, I now had the "Accounts and Sync" option under settings and I could select the options for syncing the calendar. I checked it out and now things that I add to the Google calendar show up on the tablet within a few seconds. Not sure why this worked but the only thing I can think of is there is some incompatibility different versions of the AccountandSyncSettings.apk.

Just for reference, I use Root Explorer to move .apk files off of my SD card and into the /system/apps directory and then change the permissions so they will run properly. I have rooted my tablet and installed Google Market but I did not have to update the OS as it shipped with the 1.6a_20101129-1 version. Most everything in /system/apps is stock Coby. I am hoping this info may help other folks who are having similar problems installing the calendar.

By the way, I am using Jorte which is a free calendar app from the Google market as a front-end to the stock calendar. I highly recommend it.


They are the same application so it must have been your stored cache messing things up. Whatever the case I am glad you are up and running but I can help you with the flash issue. If that is the next thing people would like to see I have been able to get flash lite up and running on my x5, it should actually run better on the Coby. I will give it a go in the next day or so and post the files for you. I also have been working on getting JIT to work better so it will be more stable. It does run and pretty good but I am still getting FC's. I need more time to experiment with different virtual settings. I will still post what I have in my system/app folder for others to see.

Success!! I now have bi-directional syncing with the calendar. My 7015 is just about perfect (for me anyway). If it could run flash, then it would be perfect!

I had installed the 5 files provided by jschill31 (thanks and congrats on your new son!). The calendar worked but would only sync in one direction (tablet to Google). I was also not seeing an "Accounts and Sync" option under settings.

Last night, I deleted the AccountsandSyncSettings.apk that jschill31 had provided and replaced it with the one from the latest version of Watery Kyros. I used clockworkmod to clean out the cache (don't know if this makes a difference but I figured it couldn't hurt) and rebooted. Lo and behold, I now had the "Accounts and Sync" option under settings and I could select the options for syncing the calendar. I checked it out and now things that I add to the Google calendar show up on the tablet within a few seconds. Not sure why this worked but the only thing I can think of is there is some incompatibility different versions of the AccountandSyncSettings.apk.

Just for reference, I use Root Explorer to move .apk files off of my SD card and into the /system/apps directory and then change the permissions so they will run properly. I have rooted my tablet and installed Google Market but I did not have to update the OS as it shipped with the 1.6a_20101129-1 version. Most everything in /system/apps is stock Coby. I am hoping this info may help other folks who are having similar problems installing the calendar.

By the way, I am using Jorte which is a free calendar app from the Google market as a front-end to the stock calendar. I highly recommend it.

I can confirm that doing this worked for some reason. I first cleared the cache as you suggested using clockworkmod and checked to see if that was all that was needed. No dice. I then grabbed the zip file for Watery Kyros and copied over the AccountAndSyncSettings.apk file, cleared cache yet again, and rebooted.

Now I have the "Account & sync" item under settings. Now here's the kicker, synching isn't working for me, in either direction. I'm sure I have something mis-configured, but can't figure out what yet. Perhaps it's because I'm using my own domain and google apps. I hope not.

I'll keep pluggin away at it little by little until it works completely. On a the plus side, I haven't seen any more error messages.

Update: Spoke too soon. After a reboot, I got the has stopped, message. UG! ;-)

Update: After a reboot, still got the error, but now synching works in both directions!
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Hello guys,

Well here is what I have located in my /system/app folder:

I do have the occational FC with Launcher Pro but it is caused by JIT compiling. I typicaly get them when I have been running a program for an extended period of time and use the back button instead of exiting the program that I was in. The gapps message is fairly common, I am not sure what causes it but try choosing "wait" next time instead of FC'ing it to see what happens or run a logcat.

Digitalman42: Quick question - After you successfully got the "Account and Sync Setting" option to show up under settings, did you see your gmail account listed under "Manage Accounts"? I had to select my Gmail account and then it showed me a menu called "Data & synchronization" where there were options to "Sync Contacts", "Sync Calendar", "Sync Google Reader", and "Sync Gmail". The "Sync Calendar" option was not checked after I first installed the AccountandSyncSettings.apk. I now have that option checked and things work fine.

jschill31: I looked at your list of the files in your system/app folder. You have some files that I don't have and vice-versa. The one file that stands out to me related to the calendar is the one named "GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk". I do not have this file and it is not part of the stock Coby build. Maybe your version of the AccountandSyncSettings.apk requires this file where as the version that is part of Watery Kyros does not. Just a guess.

If you can get Flash to work on the 7015 that would be pretty impressive. I have tried installing the file called "flash_for_21.apk" that is floating around but it doesn't seem to do anything. I think it is built for a browser/hardware that already supports flash. The stock browser doesn't seem to recognize that flash is installed.

Flash for 2.1 is a bogas application... I have heard it does help with Skyfire for a browser but all that is modding from the original 10.1 flash apk (which you can install but does nothing) is that the build was modified to allow it to install in 2.1. If you would like I will send you the GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk so we can figure out once and for all why it works for some and why it does not for others. I will change the orriginal download to include this file as well so all can try it. Also yes once you get the Account and Sync Settings to show up in your Settings options you will have to check the box to include Calendar sync as well as all others you want to sync. You will start to notice your mail showing up faster once this option is available. I will update the post now...

BTW, flashlite is a HTC apk which our Coby's like so I hope to modify it in order to work. It still will not recognize as full flash but when working it does allow for a good amount of flash content.

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The OP is now updated to include 6 files...install what you need. The zip reached over 100 downloads so only a couple of hick-ups is great!


Sent from my MID7015 using Tapatalk
I have a Coby 7015, which I have rooted, with clockworkmod. I tried to install the calendar, contacts and account and sync settings. The calendar is installed and so is contacts, but no Account and sync Settings shows up in the settings list. Also, gmail stopped automatically syncing. I get frequent messgaes the processes have stopped operating, escpecially I makes me concerned about the stability of my system.

I have a moderate level of skill on computers generally, but I am new to the Android operating system.

Now that I copied AccountAndSynchSettings.apk to the \system\app folder, I am not sure how to delet it, so I can clear the cache and reinstall it.

Other questions:

How can I tell if I have a 7015 or 7015a, and what difference does it make? My coby receive in February already had the firmware update. Is that the clue?

How do I gerate a listing of the \system\app\files that I can copy and paste into a post?

Thanks in advance. It is wonderful to have this resource. (jschill31: congratulations on the new child. My first grandson was worn last week as well.)
Hello all,

Here are the files you need to push to /system/app to add Google calendar and Google Contacts to your Coby: 7015 You can also use Root Explorer to paste the files into /system/app but do not forget to hit the Mount R/W button at the top. Also make sure to set the Permissions to match the others applications, RW-R--R--. Once that is done reboot your tablet and you will have a new choice in your settings called "Accounts & Sync". Make sure that Sync Calendar, Sync Contacts and Sync Gmail are all checked. This tablet really does run smooth the way it is, just add root and Gapps and you are good to go.


Hi! Please help.

I have rooted my 7015 and installed Google apps as in

But, since it was missing calendar and contacts I applied 6 files from here as following:

Using Terminal Emulator in su mode:
1. copied filed to /system/app
2. chown root.root for each of 6 files
3. chmod 644 for each of 6 files.

After reboot I start getting messages process has stopped unexpectedly...

Calendar app seem to be working and recognizes my account and calendars (didn't check if synch is working yet).

In Contacts any attempt to touch accounts causing another error message
android.process.acore has stopped working.

I tried to restore and re-install google apps as in
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
# reboot recovery

and then choosing google apps file ( in ClockworkMod. But it seems to have no effect - same errors are still here.

Did I overwrite some existing system files while copying 6 files for Calendar and Contacts and screwed the system? Is there an easy way to recover?

Appreciate your advice!
Now that I copied AccountAndSynchSettings.apk to the \system\app folder, I am not sure how to delet it, so I can clear the cache and reinstall it.

Did you try Terminal Emulator in su mode? I'm not sure though it's a safe idea...
I would not know the correct su mode command. My Coby is now acting exactly as you describe yours.

Sent from my MID7015
If you rooted your Coby, su command switches the context of your terminal session to root (or super user - hence su). I'm very new to android - Coby is my first android device and I only got it last week.

I have some rudimentary knowledge of UNIX / Linux though and the concept is somewhat similar.

So, in the order to delete an offensive file in /system/app you have 2 possible ways:

1. $4.99 way - get RootExplorer on Google market, mount root in r/w mode and it should allow you to do some further damage to your /system/app (sorry, just kidding. By default /system is read-only but r/w should let you write there)
2. Free way - a bit more hardcore typing into a terminal window:
on a $ prompt do
and hit enter. your prompt should change from $ to # and your should see the message that your terminal has been granted root rights.
cd /system/app
to change your folder to /system/app
will show you your current place (should be /system/app after cd command)
rm AccountAndSynchSettings.apk
should delete the offensive file unless it's locked by some running process. If it is you may want to try re-booting and try the same seq again.

However, I should re-iterate the disclaimer that this is coming from my Linux knowledge rather than non-existent android experience.

Sounds like there is two different issues going on for both of you. First is with the gapps. Do a wipe of everything and restore a working backup. Boot into Android to make sure there are no FCs. Then restart in Clockwork and flash the Passions version of Gapps. Boot back into Android and look at what you have or for FCs. Then get a list of what aps are in the /system/app/ folder and only add what ffiles are missing. You MUST make sure permissions get changed to what is listed in the OP. Using root explorer is the best and easiest way of doing this, get it from the market.


Sent from my MID7015 using Tapatalk