Coby 7015 link2sd, ext2 partition not found

can i open root explorer and navigate to the file. open it and then delete whats in there then paste this


mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/sdext2

mount -o rw,dirsync,nosuid,nodev,noexec,uid=1000,gid=1015,shortname=mixed,utf8 -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard

chmod 666 /dev/block/mmcblk0

then save

or is it easier to use

adb shell


mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/sdext2

mount -o rw,dirsync,nosuid,nodev,noexec,uid=1000,gid=1015,shortname=mixed,utf8 -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard

chmod 666 /dev/block/mmcblk0

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does not see my sd card now.. going back to original

also when trying to do it in adb shell after i type
mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/sdext2

it says its already in use and wont let me mount
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It's necessary save it. Yes, you can to navigate using the explorer...

Sent from my MID7015A using Android Tablet Forum
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cant unmount it says "mount: device or resource busy"
im trying to do this through my pc with usb connected.. what i did notice is that i can only mount the internal usb storage(nand) and not the external one
Did you try to save the sdmount script in /system/bin/ directory and to call it by the file? (See post #59) Make it and reboot your device after it.

To call the sdmount by just insert:
within it and save it. You can try copy it to your /nand partition, edit it and after copy it to /system/etc again:
cp /system/etc/ /nand/
Edit the /nand/ file and
cp /nand/ /system/etc/
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im still new at this please forgive me... what do you mean by call the sdmount by
do i create a folder named sdmount in the /system/bin/ directory then put the script in there?
please explain..
Oh okay, I'm sorry for I didn't explain better.

Let's go: sdmount is a file (without extencion) you should create with the content of the post #59. When I said "call it in the file, it means you should write the follow command in this file:

See the last posts for more details and ask if you have news doubts.

Sent from my MID7015A using Android Tablet Forum
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ok let me see if i follow you
craete a file using notepad etc. the copy contents of post 59 and place it in there.
and name the file sdmount?
or does "sdmount" go inside the file on top before post 59?

im using Windows xp if that makes a difference
Okay, It's necessary you have some care to create this file (There are some formats of characters et. cetera).

Then, here are my sdmount file: View attachment $ and my file: View attachment $ Unzip them before you paste them in /system/bin/ and /system/etc/ directories respectively.

Note that my has this code:
if ! applypatch -c MTD:recovery:2048:f3888a33beeb1afb665b14b954ba9dd78f9a4848; then
  log -t recovery "Installing new recovery image"
  applypatch MTD:boot:4890624:9c5bd261e1734cbc37f44aa4c380dfb2cba6ef6c MTD:recovery 8fd119c293ca708a9fdd66225c6a280faec8575a 5148672 9c5bd261e1734cbc37f44aa4c380dfb2cba6ef6c:/system/recovery-from-boot.p
  log -t recovery "Recovery image already installed"

Check if your file has it too. If no, delete it using the Notepad++. Don't use other text editor like the notepad.

It should work if you have two partitions FAT32 in your sd card. At least, it worked to me!

Take care that your file has this code exactly. If no, delete it as I said before, if it has other code you should preserve it.

Sent from my MID7015A using Android Tablet Forum
ok my file has this in it

mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/sdext2
insmod /system/tcc_modbattery.ko hi=2670 low=2230

totally different from yours
also i cant read yours very well using notepad ++ some characters are readable others not.

now what do i do with mine do i delete the contents and paste yours?
ok my file has this in it

mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/sdext2
insmod /system/tcc_modbattery.ko hi=2670 low=2230

totally different from yours
also i cant read yours very well using notepad ++ some characters are readable others not.

now what do i do with mine do i delete the contents and paste yours?

I think that's what he meant


mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/sdext2

mount -o rw,dirsync,nosuid,nodev,noexec,uid=1000,gid=1015,s hortname=mixed,utf8 -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard

chmod 666 /dev/block/mmcblk0

I still looking at another forum I found this information if anyone knows what improvement?
Hy again,

After looking a little bit more I have find the problem with Link2sd on my SE X10 mini (Android 2.1)

The initscript to mount the 2nd partition is found in /system/ect/
My partition is correctly mount in /data/sdext2
The link of the file are working correctly in /data/app

for example:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 40 May 21 08:36 ←[1;36mcom.rovio.angryb
irdsrio.apk←[0m -> ←[0;0m/data/sdext2/com.rovio.angrybirdsrio.apk←[0m

However looking at the /data/ directory I saw that the chmod were different for apps than for sdext2:

drwxrwx__x /data/app/
drwx__x___ /data/sdext2

Therefore I've perfomed a:

chmod 771 /data/sdext2

and everything works now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!