Coby 7015 - Touch Screen Calibration Lost


Dec 29, 2010
Help!!! Coby 7015 - Touch screen calibration lost - cannot shut-down or re-calibrate at all?

Anyone encountered this before? Used the stylus, re-set button behind and it doesn't help, basically the touch-screen go hay-wired and not responsive to any touch!
I had the same problem and had to reapply the coby or the clockwork to get it working again.
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As Jac0b said, I would try the update from Coby and see what happens. Only problem is that you may need to shut it down and I dont see how you would.
You can do "adb reboot recovery" to get it into recovery.

Sent from my MID7015 using Android Tablet Forum App
hi use keyboard connected to usb if you have one and recalibrate via settings worked when my tablet did same gl .
ADB: Android Debug Bridge, a piece of software provided by Google to allow developers to perform various tasks on their devices while those devices are connected to a PC. The command you quoted issued on a PC directs the tablet to reboot into the device's recovery partition.