Coby 7036, 7034, 7048, Hopefully All Telechips


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2011
This is what I call a fake recovery. works just like a regular CWM recovery except needs to be flashed each time one wants to use it.

This way I don't have to make a recovery for each model, one recovery should cover all Coby telechips tablets..

Place on micro sdcard boot into recovery and flash

(warm smilz)
Hope you had a Happy New Year's Eve!

This is great! I've got a 7036 that I bought a new digitizer from China for. My mom has a 7036 with the same exact Hotatouch digitizer. The broken one (digitizer) on my unit is/was a DPT, so the Hotatouch drivers don't seem to find and install themselves for the new Chinese digitizer. I'd like to try to use the dump I managed to cull from my mom's tablet, and install it to my 7036. Vampire, I found your scripts and instructions for installing/restoring dumps on the 7042, 8042, 9742, and such. I opened/examined how they are laid out,(using Genie) and which portions of the nand they access/install the dump to. Seems the Telechips are laid out a little different than the units your scripts were designed for. Is it possible for me to change the scripts (slightly) as:

if busybox test ! -f /sdcard/boot.img; then
echo no /sdcard/boot.img
exit 1

cat /sdcard/boot.img > /dev/block/nanda
sync; sync; sync

echo done


if busybox test ! -f /sdcard/bootloader.img; then
echo no /sdcard/bootloader.img
exit 1

cat /sdcard/bootloader.img > /dev/block/nandc
sync; sync; sync

echo done

if busybox test ! -f /sdcard/system.tgz; then
echo no /sdcard/system.tgz
exit 1

busybox tar -xzvf /sdcard/system.tgz

echo done
in order to properly install the dump? Or am I off/wrong here? Thanks again! Oh, I still haven't gotten to testing the CWM for the 7033 yet, but will try to get at her as soon as I've messed with this a little.(warm smilz)
Hope you're having a happy and prosperous new year so far!
Thanks again!


Oh ya, these were your ADB moves/commands I used to pull the dump files:

adb shell


mkdir /sdcard/dump

busybox tar -cvzf /sdcard/dump/system.tar /system

busybox tar -cvzf /sdcard/dump/system.tgz /system

cat /dev/mtd/mtd6 > /sdcard/dump/recovery.img

cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/dump/boot.img

cat /dev/mtd/mtd2 > /sdcard/dump/system.img

cat /dev/mtd/mtd5 > /sdcard/dump/userdata.img


and my added, if it's correct:

cat /dev/mtd/mtd3 > /sdcard/dump/bootloader.img

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Unfortunately that wont work, those scripts are made for EMMC partitions, telechips is MTD, biggest difference is EMMC is rw while MTD is ro.
what that means is we can cat or dd to and from EMMC partitions, but we can only cat and dd from a MTD partition, we can copy MTD contents but not send them back using cat or dd.

to write to MTD we need a tool called flash_image, it works similar to fastboot. we call flash_image plus the name of the partition, plus the image and location we wish to flash.


flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img

in your case if you want to use scripts make below change.

cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/dump/boot.img


flash_image boot /sdcard/dump/boot.img
Thanks for your help!(warm smilz) Seems as though(but it's the usual) the case is there's never an easy solution.(warm smilz) I don't know if anyone has ever used a dump/backup that they have actually been able to use/reinstall, etc. Makes me wonder why i should even have the notion that I can use a "dump" I take the time to create.LOL At any rate, I will try and use the method you suggest, if I can ever get my dust and cobweb riddled brain to understand.(smilz) My son's heading back to Japan tomorrow, so I'll have more time after that to actually mess around with getting my mom's dump to play with my 7036. The main thing is, the new digitizer I bought from a guy in China is exactly like my mom's unit', and I was hoping to somehow get her dump into my unit.(hopefully) My unit came with a DPT digitizer which I could only find out of Spain, for a cost of about $50.00 US, not including shipping. I thought, if I was to go that direction(buying the DPT digitizer) I might as well just buy another tablet.LOL I thought a little more, and thought I'd just buy the $16.00/Chinese - Hotatouch digitizer(like my mom has) and use her dump, which should have the driver for the new digitizer. Else, I thought, maybe I could somehow just pull the driver from her "system/vendor etc., and somehow inject/replace my DPT drivers.(way beyond the scope of this thread, not to mention my knowledge and abilities)LOL
What would you do Vampire?? ?(warm smilz) Thanks again, and I hope your new year is off to a GREAT start!
Best regards ALWAYS,

I'll look into this one you explained:

"to write to MTD we need a tool called flash_image, it works similar to fastboot. we call flash_image plus the name of the partition, plus the image and location we wish to flash.


flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img

in your case if you want to use scripts make below change."
So it might be possible, if I can locate and learn to use the "flash_image" thingee-ma-bob/thingee-ma-jig.(smilz) Gotta be out there on the net for download. "Google, what have you got for me on this one?"(warm smilz)
Have a great day Vampire!

each type of tablet dump is different but can be reinstalled.

to reinstall the telechips dump is going to be different than the allwinner but both can be done, seeing cw recovery is available another option is to make the dumps into roms and install via cw recovery, or we can install via adb by switching out recoveries. How do you want to install your dump? via adb or via cw recovery?
each type of tablet dump is different but can be reinstalled.

to reinstall the telechips dump is going to be different than the allwinner but both can be done, seeing cw recovery is available another option is to make the dumps into roms and install via cw recovery, or we can install via adb by switching out recoveries. How do you want to install your dump? via adb or via cw recovery?

Nice to know there are options for doing a dump install/re-install!(warm smilz) ADB or cw(fake_7036_recovery)?? ? I think using your cw seems the wise way to approach it here. And also, I can sort of be a "beta-tester" of sorts.(smilz) I downloaded a flash_image from the net but, are they all different?(maybe I have the wrong one)
Also, I was wandering around looking for it, and came across a post over at "FREAKTAB" you might find of interest too. Here's the link:

[h=2]flash_image Binary, Other way to dump your stock or actual rom, or flash partitions from android, No PC needed. For rockchip [/h]Ya, again, I think the smarter way to try and install/re-install a dump, would be by using your cw. I used your other method when the 9740 my mom had originally given me (two Christmases ago) for some strange reason was bricked when I woke up one day. I used the dump I had made, your instructions, and scripts to bring that back to life. THANKS AGAIN for that one! I was close to giving up on tablets altogether at that point. That was when I first began to know about you Vampire, and ALL the MANY things you do.(smilz) So you saved my butt/first tab from being bricked. I was using an RJ45/dongle on the USB port for a hardwire connection.(as opposed to the WiFi, since my room's too far away from the router in my dad's office) The app/APK I had installed and was using for the dongle(I believe) is what eventually caused the softbrick. Main thing is, I had rooted the tab, made a dump, and came upon your method for resurrection.(warm smilz) I thought I thanked you before, but if I hadn't, THANK YOU again!!!(warm smilz)
So this 7036, your cw recovery. I'll attempt that road/option. I have that, my dump,(from my mom's tab - with the proper digitizer driver) and the flash_image binary I downloaded from: this page. I also downloaded the one from FREAKTAB, but I guess they are different, and maybe won't work at all even.
Luckily/unluckily, I'm here alone at the moment, as my folks took my son (and ex-wife) out to the grocery store and for a short drive, so I have a little "alone time" here.(smilz)
The ADB is fine too.(warm smilz) Whatever way I'm less likely to botch things up.LOL Well,... I guess that means either way, 'cause with ME, I can pretty much botch things up either way. I hope not! But,...(warm smilz)


Wonder why Coby(as well as other manufacturers) made it so we could only read/write easily to some units, and nearly impossible to others.(smilz)
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Here you go.


place on sdcard then reboot into recovery, flash fake 7036 recovery, format /data then install and reboot, this rom is rooted stock and contains flash_image if you what to use it, as well as my custom busybox.

if you decide you want to make your own rom from your back up.


then extract your back up system coby_7036_system.tgz, delete the system folder from extracted replace with your system folder extracted from coby_7036_system.tgz rezip and place on sdcard and repeat above steps.

This also gave me a chance to test out the backup and restore of the fake 7036 recovery. Before I made the 7036 stock rom, I use fake 7036 recovery to backup my 7036 tablet, then formatted data and system, installed the 7036 stock rom I just uploaded to make sure it works correctly,after testing, I rebooted into recovery and installed my backup, worked just like it was designed.
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Thanks Vampire!

I hope I'm not/haven't been cutting/eating into your time.(warm smilz) I really appreciate your help.(as always) You're the generous one!(warm smilz)
How was your Christmas and New Year's? Any family showed up there for the holidays? I (hoped) imagined your kids/grandkids could be there with you and the Mrs.(warm smilz) Has she been adding more to the "honey do" lately?? ? My folks are always adding more to mine.LOL I don't mind. I just try my best to get most of the things on the list done.(as I humanly can)LOL
So my little boy and his mom were/are here from Japan. After I drive them up to the Portland International Airport, and return home, I can try and put 100% into this 036.(warm smilz)
Thanks again for building and testing the 7036_stock!(and the others too) I said it before, and I'll say it again,... you sir, are an artist!(warm smilz) Whenever I happen to mention to anyone about my endeavors with Coby tablet/s, I ALWAYS manage to mention you, and that you're the "go to man", my "Android mentor", and "Guru of Coby tablets".(So if ever you feel your ears burning, it might be because I'm talking about you.(GOOD things always)
Gotta get these guys set up with bubble bath/s and make sure they get to bed soon. The 2 hour drive early in the morning, I need some "Zzzz time".(smilz)
Thanks again Vampire! Have a great night!(and day tomorrow)


I make my own tools, this link is for flash_image.

anyway I will upload a flashable 7036 rom that can be installed via fake recovery, if you want to use your own 7036 back up, you would just extract it from and replace mine.

Thanks Vampire! For the life of me, I don't know how I missed that post and download link from the AMLogic Tablets link!(you had posted/uploaded earlier on) Sorry about missing that!
Thanks again!


Vampire, hope you're having a fine day!(smilz)

I downloaded, followed all the instructions you laid out for me. Thanks SO MUCH!!!(warm smilz) Everything works flawless!(as expected) The only thing that's not working is the part where I take my mom's 036 dump, extract the system from it, delete your system inside the 7036_stock, and re-pack it. I booted into the cw, formatted the cache and system, then attempted the install. It begins the install just fine, but a short time later, I get a "process terminated"/"install terminated"/etc.(something to that effect anyway --- from the fake cw. Maybe my mom's dump is corrupted somehow?? ? I used a method I found for making 7048s dumps. Has the same partition layout/Telechips?? ?(I'm sure it was one of your methods, because your methods are the only ones I trust.(warm smilz) Only others I might trust are Traveller's and tpaine's, but I'm pretty certain it wasn't from one of their posts.) Again, the fake_7036_recovery and your 7036_stock worked like a charm/as designed.(warm smilz) Thanks! Now, if I can just get my mom's system onto that logic board, I'll have her made. I tested the fake_7036_recovery on my mom's tablet too. Again, it works perfect. FLAWLESS!!! Thanks again!
I took the liberty of doing a cw backup from inside the recovery, and it placed it on the external sd card.(automatically) Would I be okay to try and boot the "non-functioning digitizer/7036" unit with the fake cw you made, and install the clockworkmod/nandroid backup to that other unit?(from my mom's unit, over to the other unit) Or am I missing something here too, since it uses the different partitions you mentioned/scripts/differences from Allwinners? Thanks again for the time and energy I KNOW you're spending/devoting to helping me!

My comment/s about not trusting other methods wasn't meant to step on anyone's egos, ideas, and methods, etc. --- Just,... Vampirefo.'s methods are test/tried/true, and known to work. So sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings there when I said that.(smilz)
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For now, I just went ahead and re-installed your dump, 'cause it works GOOOOOOOOD!!!(warm smilz)
Rather, "7036_stock" ROM.
Just need to figure a way to find the drivers for the HOTATOUCH digi, and get her onto that 036. Been using tpaine's method of using a mouse instead of the digitizer.(since it won't function yet)

ADB commands used to grab my mom's tablet dump:

Vampire's Quick & Dirty commands for other Telechips tablets:

Same as 7048 dump. --------------- SAME!!!

adb shell


mkdir /sdcard/dump

busybox tar -cvzf /sdcard/dump/system.tar /system

busybox tar -cvzf /sdcard/dump/system.tgz /system

cat /dev/mtd/mtd6 > /sdcard/dump/recovery.img

cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/dump/boot.img

cat /dev/mtd/mtd2 > /sdcard/dump/system.img

cat /dev/mtd/mtd5 > /sdcard/dump/userdata.img
Boy, I SURE miss my son already!(sighs) Okay, and my ex-wife too.(sighs)
What do you do when you miss your son/daughter?(when he's away to school, etc.?? ?) My fiddle-farting with these tablets, and my honey-do things help keep my mind off it some.(sighs)
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