Coby 7036 Not Booting


Jun 7, 2013
So I'm brand new and may not be posting this is the right place. If so, sorry.

I managed to swing a free Coby 7036 via Freecycle. I rooted it for Google Play and had no issues, but apparently it didn't agree with an app I got and it froze. I used the reset button on the back, but then it wouldn't boot past the Android screen.

I have done 2 factory resets (by letting it die, plugging it in, and holding down the back & power buttons) but it still won't boot. Did I just totally screw it up, or am I missing something?

God this is embarrassing (my boyfriend laughed at me) but it was an app to change the font. I don't remember exactly which one.

Don't judge :(

Okay so I've read through a bunch of different threads and websites. The problem I'm having is that I can't get it to communicate with my computer, and when I tried to install an ABD driver via, I realized that I can't get it to work since I can't get into the tablet to enable USB debugging.

I have also used your telechips roots and gaps zip to unroot it, and I even did another factory restore but it still won't load past the Android screen.

Is it hopeless?
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Okay so I've read through a bunch of different threads and websites. The problem I'm having is that I can't get it to communicate with my computer, and when I tried to install an ABD driver via How to Install ADB Driver via PDAnet software |, I realized that I can't get it to work since I can't get into the tablet to enable USB debugging.

I have also used your telechips roots and gaps zip to unroot it, and I even did another factory restore but it still won't load past the Android screen.

Is it hopeless?

I guess it really depends on if you used the same app the other user used, I plan on trying to replace his build.prop, if you used a different app that didn't change the build.prop then the fix wont work
I guess it really depends on if you used the same app the other user used, I plan on trying to replace his build.prop, if you used a different app that didn't change the build.prop then the fix wont work

Went to the google play store online and checked my apps for the tablet. It was this one: Other than that I really don't know much about what it did. I actually feel really stupid for going in and screwing it up the way I did without doing my research (lesson learned.)
Went to the google play store online and checked my apps for the tablet. It was this one: Other than that I really don't know much about what it did. I actually feel really stupid for going in and screwing it up the way I did without doing my research (lesson learned.)

Most of the reviews of that app are from users that this app bricked their device, I will see if I can determine what this app does. I realize that. Again, I'm feeling really stupid. I really appreciate your help though.

I have written the author of the app requesting info about the app, if he sends me the info I requested, I should be able to repair your tablet.
I have written the author of the app requesting info about the app, if he sends me the info I requested, I should be able to repair your tablet.

You would be my new favorite person.

And even if you can't fix it, thank you for putting in all this time.
yes you have to place zip on micro sdcard.

Ok got email from the author of the app, The zip I uploaded should fix your problem.

The author of the app recommends before using the app to backup Roboto-regular.ttf.

open the Font Installer and click Menu > Preferences > Select Fonts.

If you’re running Android 4.0 ICS or newer, make sure Roboto-regular.ttf is selected
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Okay great! Trying to run the zip, keep having issues getting it into recovery mode so it's taking a while.

Honestly, if I can get it open again, I'm just forgetting the font thing. It's superficial and has caused too many problems!



You're my new hero. Thank you a million times over, you have no idea.
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