Coby gpl obligations

surprise, surprise. no phone call. i guess i'll talk to another csr tomorrow and ask what happened to my escalation phone call....

Would you be willing to follow the link in the post above yoursEnforcing the GNU GPL - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)? They require you to send them some information about the GPL violation and then they may be able to persuade the company to comply.
I know you are busy but you probably have the best working knowledge of the situation. are aware of coby's issues. I'm trying on my own before contacting the various foundations.

BTW, if there are any coby employees here that might have something to contribute to this discussion, please do.

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Called again today and spoke to the same supervisor. He said he had not heard back from the other dependent and to give them until at least monday. I told him my status here and what I've done with watery kyros. I also gave him the url here, so maybe they'll pay us a visit. :D

More updates to come as I get them.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Called again today and spoke to the same supervisor. He said he had not heard back from the other dependent and to give them until at least monday. I told him my status here and what I've done with watery kyros. I also gave him the url here, so maybe they'll pay us a visit. :D

More updates to come as I get them.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Still no call back ?
The only reason why I still use this tablet is because of "custom roms" that offer much more than what Coby could ever accomplish. I hope you get somewhere with this l_n but something tells me we are never going to get anything from them. I hope a rep from Coby pays us a visit, they could learn a lot!
[honeycomb] for coby kyros (tweaks, wallpaper, power apps + root)

This is what I've used on my ROM MODs but they have been ported over to the COBY KYROS. Instead of making a Rooted ROM which you can with the enclosed package if you need be. But I've given you all you need to make the tablet run as fast as you can get out of it! Enjoy what I enjoy daily. Make the battery last as long as the next day. Free up Memory and Space. (Depends how you set it up). I had rooted mine the old fashion way so that is included but for those who use third-party ROM you can still use this to get some features of of your tablet.

Use the link below to access the package it will explain more.

Found here

I saw this other thread and was wondering what this is all about
[honeycomb] for coby kyros (tweaks, wallpaper, power apps + root)

This is what I've used on my ROM MODs but they have been ported over to the COBY KYROS. Instead of making a Rooted ROM which you can with the enclosed package if you need be. But I've given you all you need to make the tablet run as fast as you can get out of it! Enjoy what I enjoy daily. Make the battery last as long as the next day. Free up Memory and Space. (Depends how you set it up). I had rooted mine the old fashion way so that is included but for those who use third-party ROM you can still use this to get some features of of your tablet.

Use the link below to access the package it will explain more.

Found here

I saw this other thread and was wondering what this is all about

That thread is just pointing out a build of specific apps made by the poster that increases (slightly) the performance of the tablet by creating a series of user settings to reduce the number of active apps running in the background, thus, freeing up available memory. It does not really relate to l_n's topic here. Keep your eye out for the replies as the poster goes into more detail further down the post.

L_N, I can't speak much to developer experience (as I have none) however; I have a ton of Call Center experience. From a Call Center perspective, it is doubtful that you will get the answers you are looking for through calls into customer service. The average phone representative simply isn't trained to field these kinds of questions. Those who are trained are only trained in the Talking Points that the company legal/liabilities department have developed to address specific subjects

I can certainly respect wanting to give Coby a chance to make it right by calling into the customer service center "man to man" so to speak but I believe that you would get more results by having the various organizations who enforce these policies do the leg work. Now this is just my opinion of course but in reading your many posts I'm just picturing how things are going on the other end of the phone based on what I do and I doubt any of the individuals you spoke with have much of a clue of what you are talking about because the company does not likely train them to handle those inquiries. Likewise, the "behind the scenes" departments rarely do the right thing by following up. I'm hoping that I'm wrong but i thought I might lend the insight regardless.
Just wrote again to Coby asking for the sources threatening them to report them for GPL violation. Let's see if I get a reply

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I think you'll have more luck being cordial and professional than with threats. I'm dealing directly with a support supervisor now who seems sympathetic to my cause. I've not once threatened them at all. He's asked me to call once a week, so I am. To get anything, you have to be willing to work with, not against, the people you're dealing with. Threats will probably be directed to legal at best, the trash bin at worst.

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Well... I wasn't rude with them. I just replied to an email from a Coby rep that told me at that time (8-10 weeks ago) that she was forwarding my email to their legal department that I haven't received any news from them and that they need to release the sources according to the GPL. I also told them that we are not asking for an update to Froyo or Honeycomb, just asking for the sources so we can improve the tablet by ourselves. So no really threatening here.
Ah, you had said you threatened to report then to I apologize for the rant if you didn't.

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Why not contact them by email go after the corp heads like I am doing with CVS and Craig over the defective panel issue. They claim it was designed like that! I got almost 10 of the Corp heads on my CC and even got Blackberry email of the P/CEO of Craig. If I need anything just let him know. You have to enlighten them that there is almost 1 million Android users who are suffering from this issue. In my case 500,000. But still that supervisor is clueless and doesn't care. Only thing he cares about it making sure the AUX is being managed with the calls.
I contacted them again by email. If I don't get a response within a week. I'll call them every single day and they will be to hire more people just to answer my calls ;)
Don't want to be labeled a trouble maker or pain in the neck with them though. I know CEO for Craig got worried when he was contacted by CVS Corp Product Exec about the defective Craig Panels out there for CMP738A. I don't care I own it and I going to tell CVS you're selling defective tablets PC type not the medics type. But the same goes for GPL but again like with Craig and CobyUSA your dealing with a Audio Company and they really don't know much about selling computers and GPL either. They need consultants to advise them what needs to be done. You could be at this for months and never get answer back from them.