Coby Kyros MID1060

If Dreamer stucks at logo, he can't use adb?
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00800000 00200000 "bootloader"
mtd1: 00800000 00400000 "logo"
mtd2: 00800000 00400000 "aml_logo"
mtd3: 00800000 00400000 "recovery"
mtd4: 00800000 00400000 "boot"
mtd5: 20000000 00400000 "system"
mtd6: 08000000 00400000 "factory"
mtd7: 20000000 00400000 "cache"
mtd8: 90000000 00400000 "userdata"
mtd9: 125000000 00400000 "NFTL_Part"
He should be able to use adb in cwm recovery.
If we talking about "" - adb on MID1060 is not working. I can't see the tablet in the device list, when it's loaded.
I tried to go to the "advanced" menu and find the item "Restart adb" - but there is no such menu item.

"Mount usb storage" not working too. I got "E:Unable to open ums lunfile (No such file or directory)E:Unable to open ums lunfile (No such file or directory)"
(yes, two times)
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If we talking about "" - adb on MID1060 is not working. I can't see the tablet in the device list, when it's loaded.
I tried to go to the "advanced" menu and find the item "Restart adb" - but there is no such menu item.

"Mount usb storage" not working too. I got "E:Unable to open ums lunfile (No such file or directory)E:Unable to open ums lunfile (No such file or directory)"
(yes, two times)

Forget it Guys! I return the Tablet. I 've also serch that Coby Is dead. It Closures at 16 august. So my resealler is going to put the Tablet at repair, but i doubt it that they fixe it. It was on warranty. So in a moth i will trade for other. But Meanwhile continue to serch for answers. Maybe Someone need in the Future. Thx All off u for you efforts.

Best Regards
Forget it Guys! I return the Tablet.
Perhaps this is the best solution.

The Coby was bought by Gordon Brothers Group. Dont know about phone numbers, but the email adresses of the support are dead. The status of customer warranties is unknown.
Pity. They tablets were pretty good. (But the support is bad)

For the future: before installing root, or other potentially dangerous activities - always do a full backup.
Good luck!
Perhaps this is the best solution.

The Coby was bought by Gordon Brothers Group. Dont know about phone numbers, but the email adresses of the support are dead. The status of customer warranties is unknown.
Pity. They tablets were pretty good. (But the support is bad)

For the future: before installing root, or other potentially dangerous activities - always do a full backup.
Good luck!

Anyway thx for all the help
How everyone, can someone tell me how to do a full backup of the this model? Mine has been sent to warranty and got back completely new, new mobo from what they said. :D