Coby Kyros MID7036 rooting


Nov 30, 2012

ive read this thread about it:

I'm new to rooting and i've read the above thread about rooting this device but when i went to the sticky post suggested it said that it does not work for the MID7036.
Any "work around"s that? Hints? Tips? Miracles?

I just got one for 70$ on amazon during black friday and i couldn't find what i wanted with getjar so i downloaded amazon appstore. I have it on my phone and never had any problems but on this tablet it works once and when i try opening it again its totally black with just the search bar on top and if i try typing something the words disappear when i click enter. I tried rebooting the tablet and force closing the app to no avail. Only thing that worked was when i uninstalled it and reinstalled but even then it worked once and did the same thing... i dont want to have to reinstall the app every day, please help.
I'm really hoping there's a way to root this tablet so i can get it to work. I know its just a 70$ tablet and I don't want to do anything awesome and amazing with it... I just want to watch netflix movies and play the few games i like.

Thanks for you help :)

EDIT: works perfectly
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Amazon just did an update to the Appstore, and the first few times I ran it, both on my Dell Streak and my 9742, it was slow as molasses. It's apparently worked itself out however and is running fine now.

As to rooting, look for a thread by jjacer in Generation 3 Development regarding rooting the 7034. It and the 7036 use the same CPU and thus the root process in the thread should work for you as well.