Coby MID1065-8: Questions


Jun 17, 2013
I have an opportunity to get a free mid1065-8 by using some hotel rewards points, but I'm not sure if it is what I should go with. I would definitely increase to 32 GB. I have read several posts on putting some version of windows on it to run some office products (mainly excel and visio), but I'm not sure what works best and would like to hear any feedback that anyone has. Also, I am getting a 1TB external hard drive and would like to use it with this device. I design electronics and love the idea of taking lesser known name products and upgrading the hell out of them. Its a great thing to use to piss off my coworkers that are apple snobs. I'm very into rooting and augmenting everything I own, as long as it has a worthwhile benefit. If anyone has any suggestions before I get some incompatible devices and how to best augment them with the right software, please let me know.
Hi toottoot, welcome to the forum, nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Coby Generation 4 forum for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and hopefully make some suggestions. Good luck!
My guess you can't do any of that, I don't know for sure. I don't know anyone that has the tablet nor do I know what kind of developer you are. If you are just a regular user then no you can't. But if you are a developer then perhaps you can.
I have an opportunity to get a free mid1065-8 by using some hotel rewards points, but I'm not sure if it is what I should go with. I would definitely increase to 32 GB. I have read several posts on putting some version of windows on it to run some office products (mainly excel and visio), but I'm not sure what works best and would like to hear any feedback that anyone has.
I have not heard about installing a version of windows on android tablets, but I can't imagine wanting to do it. There are office suite apps available that are compatible with MS office. (I use OfficeSuite Pro).

My resposes are assuming that the 1065 has the same chip as my 7065. I have run some initial benchmarks for a "control" comparison point before trying some mods and my phone (Galaxy S2) is faster than this tablet. It has still worked well for most of my use including a bit of light gaming. If putting windows on it is at all possible, it would probably take a huge hit to performance. Windows 8 rt is the only version that I have heard of designed for Arm instruction sets instead of x86. That version of windows won't run most windows programs.
Also, I am getting a 1TB external hard drive and would like to use it with this device. I design electronics and love the idea of taking lesser known name products and upgrading the hell out of them. Its a great thing to use to piss off my coworkers that are apple snobs. I'm very into rooting and augmenting everything I own, as long as it has a worthwhile benefit. If anyone has any suggestions before I get some incompatible devices and how to best augment them with the right software, please let me know.
Usb host does work on this tablet. I haven't tried a 1TB drive though. Be aware that recovery has a limit of less than 4 minutes before it automatically reboots. Until that is figured out, it could cause some problems. For me learning and doing the mods are the biggest part of my goal with this tablet. From your post, I still don't know whether this tablet would be good for you or not. Hopefully I gave you some info that can help you decide.
Thanks for the replies! After reading a bit, I do realize it is far better to go with an android run office suite for my personal use. Also, there are a couple of external hard drives I am researching. My top choice, right now, is the Seagate goflex 1tb drive. It looks like it works nicely with tablets. When I get the tablet I will give it a good run through to determine if it is beneficial to root it. As far as what I develop, basically I design electronics that track city buses and report the information back to dispatchers and data for transit signs etc. Well, that's part of it. The interesting thing here is that we currently use a custom built tablet with a program that we've developed. We also develop an app that allows the passengers to see, in as close to real time as possible, where their bus is at on their tablet or phone. So, every personal purchase I make is also used for r&d for the company. If I find something neat, then I look at using it or something similar in my design. The reason I am going with the Coby 1065 is the processing speed, the ability to upgrade to 32gbytes, and the cheap cost. Right now the cost for the custom built device we use is above $2k per unit. We buy hundreds at a time and have to rely on the vendor for some of the more extensive repair. This is very costly. And there are some serious drawbacks. Poor processing speed, resistive touch screen etc. So, the Coby or a similar off brand that we can purchase in bulk and contact the company for special runs and modifications is important. And, thank you everyone on these forums. This is where my coworkers and I start the r&d process. The information here is so much more of what we need than some of the specs we get from the companies we deal with. I will be checking into a very very basic form of windows that we use to run our software and how it will work on the Coby. I will keep you posted on what we find. Again, thanks.