Connecting to PC with USB

You may have to manually download the drivers and then navigate it to the files you downloaded instead of letting widows search for the drivers.

Tried that too. I even tried putting the drivers in the Systems folder before naigating to them. It can't see the drivers then either. I am thinking that the Vizio driver download doesn't have a driver for the Honeycomb itself since I was using the usb prior to the update.
Try this Download PdaNet. PDAnet automatically installs drivers and was working on Gingerbread. See if it works for you on HC. If not my next suggestion is to try a factory reset of the Vtab and see if that clears the issue for you.
padnet didn't fix it either. I did a reset last week and that didn't work either so I guess I am done trying at this point. Thanks for the help.
Yes PDA net has drivers (for phones) and my xp computer shows my brother's phone. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to use the USB to access files on my Vizio, neither the card or any other files show. I did put the files/driver from Vizio onto my computer. Browsing the driver seeking program and using it as the latest driver results only in confirmation that the Android Phone (when Vizio is connected) is there but no access to anything. I will just continue to use my SDHC card reader instead.
Looks like those drivers are for Windows 7. They do not work on VISTA. Have you found drivers for VISTA? BTW, I didn't have to do anything special when I connected my tablet to XP.
I am using Android Honeycomb and have observed the following issues.
1. If you connect the VTAB thru a USB Hub the Microsoft Windows will not see the memory, but if you plug into the system directly not using a USB Hub it will see the memory just fine.
2. Total Ram (Used and Unused is on 339.41 MB not 512 MB), I call VIZIO Tech Support they have told me that is just fine!!!
I continue to not get this to work on my XP SP3 machine. I have read the entire thread and deleted and reinstalled the device irself, drivers, even the inf files that get copied to the windows directory as has been suggested. The vizio driver just installs as "Android Composite ADB Interface" and seemingly does nothing, although it cheerfully claims the device is working properly. It is not plugged into a hub.
Interesting. I have been in the habit of turning that on for all my android devices since my first foray into this realm with froyo. They have all been rooted in the past so it was useful. You are quite correct in that it doesn't provide any real value to this tab. At least it is something else to try. Thanks
I have 2 laptops, one with VIsta 64 and one with XP. My XP has no problem seeing my VTAB with the OS update. Calibre no longer recognizes the VTAB but it is now easier to access the file storage in the VTAB and transfer files myself, in the XP laptop.

However, the Vista 64 laptop simply ignores the VTAB when I connect via the USB port and cable. There is nothing listed in the Device Drivers either. It is like it simpy went to the Twilight Zone. I do not have USB debugging turned on (did not even know such a thing existed). This must be simply part of the incompatability between Microsft and Android. Perhaps someone will come up with drivers that will work with the Honycomb OS in VTAB. The drivers psoted on the Vizio site are from 2011, long before the udpate.
I am not understanding where to go to disable USB debugging. In windows XP sp3. your instructions say go into applications. development and disable usb debugging. Is this in regedit?
I am not understanding where to go to disable USB debugging. In windows XP sp3. your instructions say go into applications. development and disable usb debugging. Is this in regedit?

It is in the settings of the tablet, not in the pc.
I rarely connect with USB. No need. I use wifi file explorer pro. Connect through the PC (or mac if you are rich) browser. Manage the files. Disconnect. No problem. No setup issues. No cable to carry. If you cannot connect through USB this could be a solution.
Okay, not to beat a dead horse, but this is really frustrating. I'm trying to get my xp PC to recognize the tablet. Every time I connect via the USB my pc recognizes an "Android Phone"