Contact list


Dec 13, 2012
Dear group,

I purchased an Asus TF 700 in the last week and for the most part it is great. I have set up my email account in the supplied email app. all works great, to send and receive. Each time I needed to input the same email address I had already used. Thinking that the way the email app worked, I purchased Kaiten Mail and installed. It is works the same way. I spoke with Kaiten and they said the app uses the Android contact list. Duh, where is that??? I tried to use "People" but could not add a name. Sync didn't work and all I want to do is add a few e-mail addresses of friends the business stuff can stay on the desktop. I know this is a "USER ISSUE" not a hardware problem. I downloaded the manual but it didn't help at all. So here I am!! Please help an old man.


Welcome to the forum

The people app is whee you want to be but I don't know why it would not allow you to add a contact. You can go to the WEB G-Mail and add contacts, it should sync with "people" assuming you are using the same account. See if any of this jogs the system and get back with results.
leeshor Thanks, once you told me "People" was the correct location I continued to hack at it. It seems it defaulted to groups and I couldn't add a contact till I moved to "ALL" and then it worked fine.

Now, I have two email apps and messages go to the supplied Android app. How do I disable or uninstall? So I can use Kaiten which I really don't need but paid for.

Rich (a bit red faced!)
Kaiten is both my and Leeshors favorite mail app.


Go to Settings - Apps - All - GMail - Disable (if there is an Uninstall Updates do that then you can disable it)

Thank you both. I was able to disable the app and now all is right with the world. I am sure "I'LL BE BACK". I have learned a lot reading other's posts.

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