Control Tablet with Android Phone?


Mar 10, 2011
Ok so we have apps that can help us control our PC's, use as remotes, etc. BUT its from Android to PC/360/Wii etc. Is there something out there that will let us control our tablet, specifically compatible of course with the Coby Kyros 7015 from our Android phones? For example I want to be able to connect my Kyros to my tv via HDMI, however if I could control the tablet, ie pause play rew fwd from my phone so that I can leave it plugged in next to the tv and be able to use my phone to control it.

My tablet as I mentioned is the Coby Kyros 7015 and my phone is a MyTouch 4G (I also have a 3G).

Thank you. Any help, advice, etc. is appreciated!
You can probe this two apps:

Droidmote Server / Client

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