Cool puzzle games on Android Tablets. Sudoku?


May 13, 2011
I have been checking out some of the puzzle games on The android market and Amazon App Store. I have come up with a cool discovery. I love puzzle games. not only that. I like games that i can put down really quick when the boss comes around. If you guys are like me, you use your phone everywhere and play games at every free second. I have found a relatively new developer that makes a great Sudoku Game. You are probably asking yourself,"Why would I care about sudoku? There are tons of them on the market." Well I have played alot of sudoku games. This one just seems to have all the corners covered. The developer also seems to take feedback and implement very quickly. I like that. The game is also compatible with all levels of Android software, even 3.0. I have 4 android devices and it pisses me off when i get a cool game and it only works on my phone. Check it out and post here what you think. I would really love to see if other gamers agree with me.

Amazon sudoku link Sudoku: Appstore for Android

Android market link