Copying Files Fron PC to VTAB SD Card


Aug 24, 2011
I decided to copy some movie files that are in a folder on my desktop PC to my VTAB's SD Card. I connected the USB cable and selected the card, and, using Windows Explorer, I copied the folder to my VTAB's SD Card. Afterwards, using both ASTRO and ES FILE Explorer, I my searched my VTAB for my new files and couldn't find them. I removed the SD Card, put it in an adapter, and inserted it in my PC whence I found that my folder and files had been copied into a folder named "EXTERNAL" that I had not created and which is ignored by search apps. Is there an explanation as to why the search apps don't search the external folder?
I just checked astro on my vtab it shows all of my files including external, just select it and you should find your movies.
If you do a search on the name of a known file in your External folder, does the search find the file? (Doesn't for me)

I just checked astro on my vtab it shows all of my files including external, just select it and you should find your movies.
Some file explorers do not automatically search sub-folders, make sure that the setting is turned on.
My reply does not deal with movie files but with music and pic files. I have been having fun learning the best way to copy files to the SD card and getting them to work with the Vtab.After some success and failures, I have found that connecting with the USB and my computer and using Wimdows Media Player seems to work the best.It does not grab the album art but a neat app called "Cover Art Downloader" does a great job.
Still playing with my pics files to see if Media Player is best. I did have to restore the Vtab to original settings to get my Gallery issue fixed.