Craig CMP738B Root with working Android Market and Clean ROM IMG file

Well, after a lot of frustration, I finally got wireless working.

In particular, the "eternal 'Scanning' " stall seems to happen at least in part because the user has not defined a Network [Access Point?] in Settings -> Wireless and Networks -> WiFi Settings -> Add Wi-Fi Network. You need to help Wi-Fi set up a connection, it seems; I don't know whether it can auto-configure itself. Best guess: Only to some extent.

I think you had a different (fixable) issue than the rest of us.

With the Wifi issue I'm having, you can't get beyond Settings -> Wireless and Networks -> WiFi Settings.

Wi-Fi immediately shows an error. You can click "Turn on" but you're back the same Wi-Fi Error message.
{Snips} So I wonder, is it having the Wifi on that corrupts the root and errors the Wifi? Would make sense, but do I want to risk it again to see?.

The upgrading process works as deeply as you could imagine; it's replacing the code that runs Wi-Fi. I'd guess that the developers who wrote the update firmware didn't expect that somebody updating would have Wi-Fi on.

Best of luck!
I think you had a different (fixable) issue than the rest of us.

What's the error message?

With the Wifi issue I'm having, you can't get beyond Settings -> Wireless and Networks -> WiFi Settings.

Wi-Fi immediately shows an error. You can click "Turn on" but you're back the same Wi-Fi Error message.

Did you replace your firmware? I did, and might have different code for wireless. Good grief, this is a horrid mess!

Date of manufacture might be significant. My second one (which I now have) was made in July of this year.

The serial number, btw, begins with a [yymm] date code. Mine's in the 12,800 series. (In all, 11070128xx).

Best of luck,
Did you replace your firmware? I did, and might have different code for wireless. Good grief, this is a horrid mess!

Date of manufacture might be significant. My second one (which I now have) was made in July of this year.

The serial number, btw, begins with a [yymm] date code. Mine's in the 12,800 series. (In all, 11070128xx).

No actual error message - just "error."

I guess my best bet (since I just bought this thing) is to just exchange it and try the root again with the WiFi turned off this time. If nothing else, that will make me a test subject for others' FYI (lol). If the WiFi fails after rooting (and turning off the WiFi BEFORE rooting), then there's our answer (kinda sorta).
Actually trying to get the stock rom off of the replacement tablet first would be the best thing to do. Google RK2818 Kitchen for software and way to do that.
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For what its worth info wise, 11090896xx mine was made this september as well.

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I was reading through this thread tonight. I wanted to see what was happening with other people and also hoping to see a fix for my problem with the SD card not properly registering my ebooks.

At any rate, many people are discussing/thinking that the reason the update failed for them was that the wifi was left on during the update. The rom update that I preformed was with the wifi OFF. In my case, the wifi still failed. As I posted earlier, I'm not trying any more rooting until the issue is resolved. Since the tablets are Christmas gifts, they will have to be as they are and will probably never see a root. I do wish the darn sd cards could be read properly by the ebook reader. I have several hundred books on each tablet's card and only three authors are recognized by the ebook reader. I've tried a variety of fixes, including removing spaces and any sort of odd characters from the book title and author. Nothing has worked for me. I'd say, if you have an sd card that simply works, you are pretty lucky. Maybe luck has a lot to do with these tablets. Still, the Craig works as a basic unit for serving the net and maybe playing a few basic games. If I open an ebook using explorer, I can see the entire sd card contents. Tapping one of the books in a folder, opens it in the reader. A pretty clunky workaround, but at least it is something. The people getting these gifts aren't technically inclined so I will wait to see what happens.

Very interesting thread. Thanks for posting so much information and feedback.
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I have flashed mine without any problems with WiFi whatsoever. I DID turn WiFi off before flashing like some others had suggested and haven't seen any issues so far at all. Hope this may help, and it does work a lot better with a non-stock rom. I hated the stock rom
I have flashed mine without any problems with WiFi whatsoever. I DID turn WiFi off before flashing like some others had suggested and haven't seen any issues so far at all.

Okay, so before I do this again with a replacement...

WiFi off -- meaning you weren't actually connected or do you mean you went as far as killing the WiFi from even running (ie searching for a signal)?
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So if i left Wifi on and updated, does that mean il never get a chance to downgrade/install Old rom and redo it?
I really dont want to take the time to replace this one, It not worth it.. But if i could get this one fixed, That would be something..

If somebody could post the stock rom right off the tablet with Wifi turned on? If its possible.. that would be great help.
Has anyone tried toggling wifi from a command line if that is possible? Might that at least give more info on what the error might be?

Sent from my rk2818sdk using Android Tablet Forum
I just went to exchange it. The only ones in the store are the ones in the damaged/return bin. LOL!! Oh well I'll hang on to this thing for a week or two to see if there's some magical fix from tablet heaven.
Its a great cheap tablet. To bad they used a crappy wifi hardware in them. :(
Mine was made in June 2011 so it might of had left over old stock.