Creating a System Dump for Coby Kyros MID7034-4

$ adb shell getevent -p
add device 1: /dev/input/event4
name: "telechips remote controller"
KEY (0001): 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009
000a 000b 000c 000e 000f 001c 0034 003c
003d 0044 0057 0058 0067 0068 0069 006a
006b 006c 006d 0071 0072 0073 007f 009e
00a4 00a6 00a7 00a8 00ac 00d0
input props:
add device 2: /dev/input/event3
name: "tcc-gpiokey"
KEY (0001): 0072 0073 009e
input props:
add device 3: /dev/input/event1
name: "tcc-accel"
ABS (0003): 0000 : value 2, min -32, max 31, fuzz 0, flat 0, resolution 0
0001 : value 1, min -32, max 31, fuzz 0, flat 0, resolution 0
0002 : value 22, min -32, max 31, fuzz 0, flat 0, resolution 0
0006 : value 0, min -128, max 128, fuzz 0, flat 0, resolution 0
input props:
add device 4: /dev/input/event0
name: "axp202 power-key"
KEY (0001): 0074
input props:
add device 5: /dev/input/event2
name: "tcc-ts"
KEY (0001): 014a
ABS (0003): 0000 : value 0, min 60, max 4040, fuzz 0, flat 0, resolution 0
0001 : value 0, min 250, max 3800, fuzz 0, flat 0, resolution 0
0018 : value 0, min 0, max 255, fuzz 0, flat 0, resolution 0
input props:
adb shell getevent /dev/input/event4

press volume up

post output

press volume down


press home

post output
# Volume down - /dev/input/event3
0001 0072 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 0072 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

#Volume up - /dev/input/event3
0001 0073 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 0073 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

#Home - /dev/input/event3
0001 009e 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 009e 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

#Power - /dev/input/event0
0001 0074 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 0074 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

Also, is the new recovery's recovery.fstab file supposed to be empty? The stock recovery's wasn't. :/
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# Volume down - /dev/input/event3
0001 0072 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 0072 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

#Volume up - /dev/input/event3
0001 0073 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 0073 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

#Home - /dev/input/event3
0001 009e 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 009e 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

#Power - /dev/input/event0
0001 0074 00000001
0000 0000 00000000
0001 0074 00000000
0000 0000 00000000

Also, is the new recovery's recovery.fstab file supposed to be empty? The stock recovery's wasn't. :/

No it shouldn't be empty, and it's not empty on my end.

# mount point fstype device [device2]

/boot mtd boot
/cache yaffs2 cache
/data yaffs2 userdata
/misc mtd misc
/recovery mtd recovery
/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /dev/block/mmcblk0
/nand vfat /dev/block/ndda1
/system yaffs2 system
The flash was successful and the buttons work, but the recovery is still reporting that it can't mount anything.
popinman322 said:
The flash was successful and the buttons work, but the recovery is still reporting that it can't mount anything.

Have you tried to mount system?
Have you tried to mount data?
Have you tried to mount sdcard?
Yes, all of those fail.
E:failed to find "system" partition to mount at "/system"
Error mounting /system!
E:failed to find "userdata" partition to mount at "/data"
Error mounting /data!
Error mounting /sdcard!
Don't flash recovery until fasfboot method is working, I have no ideal what windows needs to get fastboot to work.
The root utility for Windows includes fastboot.exe. It, coupled with the ADB drivers, is all that is needed to do work in fastboot mode. An example command for the Streak baseband would be "fastboot -i 0x413c flash amss.mbn". What is needed is the offset, as the one in the example command is for the Streak.
Dang, wished you would have waited and made the backup first before installing gapps.

I got this tablet today and am going to root and install the play store. Are you saying you'd rather the tablet be backed up before installing gapps but after rooting? Or before rooting and installing gapps? As far as I have read, you need root to be able to back up partitions.

nevermind, I found that you answered in another thread. the former:
"As long as your device is rooted you can do a backup, your partition structure will be different then the backup scripts for 7042, 8042, and so on wont work for you, they are for allwinner partitions."
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