Cross-Platform GUI Root Tool


Feb 10, 2014
I have been looking for a Linux GUI root tool for some time now, and I finally found it. It works fine on the Coby 9742, I can only guess that it works on all the Allwinner models. It is called Cydia Impactor, and of course I can't link to it here but Google knows what it is. I have only tested the Linux version, but it is available for Windows and Mac also. It relies on ADB drivers, so you will need those for Windows, I don't know about Mac. Linux should be no problem, it never has been for me with my 9742s.

Simply install Cydia Impactor and run it while your tablet is connected to the PC and has USB debugging enabled. It has a simple box with a drop-down menu of actions; the default action is "drop SuperSU su to /system/xbin/su". Click the start button and a few moments later you have root. Install SuperSU to manage your new root privileges, and you're done. Next I recommend installing CWM; on the 9742 look for Vampirefo's upright recovery. Happy Root!