Cruz Reader R103 - Android Market? Remove or move apps to get space?


Apr 4, 2011

I just acquired a Cruz Reader and have been fiddling with it. I'm an Android developer and got it to test my apps on. It was easy to root with the stock rom (adb shell, create su script, run it).

However, I'd like to do two things that I find referenced but in hours of Googling, I haven't found a really good answer:

  • Install Android Market app
  • Delete pre-installed apps I don't want, or move apps out to the SDCard

However, I don't want to flash a custom ROM unless I'm sure it's going to work. If I brick this thing, then I can't test my apps on it!

So, is there a way to do this without flashing a custom ROM? Or, is there a guaranteed to work, not screw up anything, custom rom to use? I'd far prefer not to use the custom ROM.

Thanks in advance
Bump this thread, I would like to remove some pre-installed aps to get more room for downloaded aps of my own. How to do?
Two ways to remove preinstalled apps:

1. Follow Velocity's instructions at How can I uninstall an app that came on my Cruz Reader
(I didn't have much success with that method!)

2. From Amazon market, download Z4ROOT and RootFile.
a. Run Z4ROOT and permanently root the device.
b. Run RootFile, navigate to /SYSTEM/APPS
c. Move the apps you do not want to an SD card, or just delete them.
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