Custom Flytouch II Case


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Staff member
Apr 29, 2011
Anyone have any ideas for a custom case for the Flytouch II/SuperPAD? If someone responds to this post with enough detail about the materials, size dimensions, and a good description, I will make the case. Feel free to give me links to sites with the material you want as well!
This may be a little to difficult but...
It think the very best possible case for the Flytouch 2 in my mind would be like this.

A hinged keyboard case that snaps tightly together when closed. The case itself being 12" of each hinged side but a plastic 10.2" border to securely place your device. In said border there will be openings for hdmi, USB, and sd entry. The keyboard a 11.5". Also to keep the keyboard clean a foleather insert should be available to place over it. The outer case being made out of leather and the handle has the possibility of being set up as a kick stand.

Quite a case.
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Actually that case is actually being made on I could modify it to add the tight latch and add the insert.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!
Yeah the case is like $20. It comes in white or black. Look it up and you will love it.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!
No worries man! I enjoy helping people find things and learn about something new. Don't sweat it :)
Dude can you help want to update firmware any help links etc ive left loads of messages on board know one reply Sound what thecote point i got flytouch II 2.1 any help please

Sent from my deb using Android Tablet Forum
Can you help please you only one who reply can update firmware sd way recovery screen etc custom rom

Sent from my deb using Android Tablet Forum
Going out there to say, I want to make a Laptop type case for mine, hinged with an Aluminum hardshell and an integrated keyboard. The hinge needs to be tight so I can position it without the use of a support prop. I already purchased the USB keyboard setup with the integrated case (not a fan of the support prop). I was thinking of adding room on the right side to accomidate the USB connection to the keyboard and mouse (maybe an extra 1" ) . Mabye even go as far as to create a "dock" for the tablet to sit in. I will have to create some drawings for the overall design and start mocking one up. Clips aren't really gonna cut it. I was considering a slide for the lower and a partial slide for the upper with accomidations for the buttons.

Sent from a rooted SuperPAD clone with Android 2.2 :p
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