CWM development

Perhaps it would if I could guarantee 100% available storage.
Cant do that.
Will keep the copy but gonna be awhile b4 I try again...
Have a good idea about saving my config to the 2-parter for 'recovery' that way.

Well, I wiped out 'something important' while 'cleaning up' this last time, so I will try it by IUW when I get home...

Would hafta 'start from scratch' again anyways...
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Just use quick boot from my goodies folder i uploaded in my post. It has a recovery boot option

I posted some specs of the superpad in the neos group if that helps with anything. Partitions and such.

When i tried with the nook color encore recovery, we get kernel panics. When with the first nook clockwork recovery, normal clockwork recovery section appears.

Sent from my Ally using Android Tablet Forum
Last nite b4 rebuilding it again, I attempted the recovery_rd.img 5x with IUW... each time it wouldnt do anything if I held the <HOME> button down... just sat at INFOTMIC logo...

@sharpe351: How did you get the /system folder of the pad... by tar or some other way? I want to pull the 'modified' system folder off mine and attempt to insert it into the 2-part install setup... it should be simple enough if I know for sure Ive gotten EVERYTHING...
I 'tarred' it last nite but at the lost+found folder it freaks out and stops... unsure if the .tar is 'broken' or not...


Looks like I may have answered my own question... ES File Explorer apparently was able to copy the entire folder to SD2... so now I can play!
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Last nite b4 rebuilding it again, I attempted the recovery_rd.img 5x with IUW... each time it wouldnt do anything if I held the button down... just sat at INFOTMIC logo...

@sharpe351: How did you get the /system folder of the pad... by tar or some other way? I want to pull the 'modified' system folder off mine and attempt to insert it into the 2-part install setup... it should be simple enough if I know for sure Ive gotten EVERYTHING...
I 'tarred' it last nite but at the lost+found folder it freaks out and stops... unsure if the .tar is 'broken' or not...


Looks like I may have answered my own question... ES File Explorer apparently was able to copy the entire folder to SD2... so now I can play!

Did you use the "old" version of IUW to burn it in using "expert"? That was the only way I could get it to work before. Although, I didn't really have a "working" tablet either. I did have a working recovery. I flashed the recovery that rgocal gave me in the dev kit. The OG one from the SuperPAD. It did work. Cleared out the system... clean wipe. Would not boot up after I wiped the system until I installed another ROM. But I digress... I hated the fact that I burn 50 configurations on there and the stupid thing never got past the Flashing "ANDROID" logo. I'm honestly glad I sent it back. I know that's kind of a dickish thing to say, but whatever. Anyhow, if you want Leeb, PM me and I can call you to walk you through it if needed. I can even upload the parts for it if you need them.
Removed from a working device using Root Explorer while the device is running. I highly suggest you use whatever worked before, when you had it up and running.

sent from my CM7 Gtablet using Tapatalk
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Did you use the "old" version of IUW to burn it in using "expert"? That was the only way I could get it to work before. Although, I didn't really have a "working" tablet either. I did have a working recovery. I flashed the recovery that rgocal gave me in the dev kit. The OG one from the SuperPAD. It did work. Cleared out the system... clean wipe. Would not boot up after I wiped the system until I installed another ROM. But I digress... I hated the fact that I burn 50 configurations on there and the stupid thing never got past the Flashing "ANDROID" logo. I'm honestly glad I sent it back. I know that's kind of a dickish thing to say, but whatever. Anyhow, if you want Leeb, PM me and I can call you to walk you through it if needed. I can even upload the parts for it if you need them.
Removed from a working device using Root Explorer while the device is running. I highly suggest you use whatever worked before, when you had it up and running.

sent from my CM7 Gtablet using Tapatalk

'Old' version? I have both 1.0 and 1.2 but used 1.0 as admin in expert... 5 times...
Claimed to take it EACH AND EVERY time... oh well.

I am happy to say that I havent had any difficulty getting the 2-pass to load for awhile now... it will be interesting to see if I can get my 'trimmed/adjusted' version to take over the 2nd pass, and simply 'load up'.
Lots of the 'supplied' apps I dont want or need...
I cant understand why a pad w/o ANY phone capability would need phone services, for example. **GONE**
Whoever put that Pinyin IME on there needs to have bamboo shoots shoved up their.... fingernails! :p **GONE**
Plus a bunch of 'useless-2-me' things are history.
If I can get this package to reload all-by-itself, Id be in hog heaven!
Or, perhaps I should say WILL... it will happen, eventually!

On a sidenote, am heartbroken over missing the HP opportunity... May not survive...

After all, I still have the defective storage issue to contend with... I may end up trashing the board in an attempt to replace the questionable device... or BOTH of them, for good measure!
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I think I had something like version 0.7 of IUW. A lot of the crap on the buttons was in Chinese I think.

Also, I can edit a build.prop to throw on your pad to get more apps from the market (I think). Let me see if I can find it. (Rummaging).

sent from my CM7 Gtablet using Tapatalk
Yeah... I saw that version.
I RAN AWAY so fast I blew a tennis shoe.
It hurt.
Actually I think Im good right now re: apps...

Put some pics in rgocal's 'autopsy' thread... might be interesting! :D
Enough to hold "home" before the appearance penguin. But if recovery image not burned we get "No recovery is found, try recover from SD.". Or something ... but errors.

I now have another tablet (tho also defective, it has mostly-good NAND) and tonite I will attempt to redo this 2c if it runs on the 'better' one.

Will update after!
After a successful install (BWO the IUW 1.0 'expert mode') on the 'new-broken' pad, I was able to get it to install on the 'old-memory-broken' pad too... as seen below:

IF ONLY it had the ability to WIPE the /system partition too...
THAT might get my original pad working again.

Lucky that it uses the buttons (VOL+/-, MENU) to do things... as the touchscreen on the 2nd/new pad doesnt work (seems to be a hardware issue on the main board :mad:)...

After it loaded I attempted to do a clockwork update (2.5.? that I got from 'somewhere') that wouldnt do anything... so the <2e> version was reloaded... again successfully!

I allowed it to do the full data wipe a few times, and I think it has cleaned up the /local partition somewhat... but cannot say for sure as /system is still 'bad'...

BUT IT DOES WORK on the wwe101 v3.5 system boards!
As tuzzz said... power-up with <HOME> held down and release <PWR>...
release <HOME> once TUX shows up... it will give the WOWPAD green screen and then the screen seen in the pics below.


Question... if I put system.img into a ZIP file would clockwork load it?
Answer..... it tries, but errors out with 'signature verification failed'. Did some searching but didnt find any way to get around it... yet. :p

I intend to do NAND-surgery to replace the bad chip... and THEN we'll be 'in tall cotton'! :cool:

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I intend to do NAND-surgery to replace the bad chip... and THEN we'll be 'in tall cotton'!

With no BIOS, you will have formed an unrecoverable brick. No boot loader, no ability to respond to USB, just the ability to consume power (the charger may not even function, or at least not correctly, as some updates have shown).

I'd just cannibalize the old one for parts.

EDIT: Better still, clone the chip from the new one, and push the clone it into the old one?
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With no BIOS, you will have formed an unrecoverable brick. No boot loader, no ability to respond to USB, just the ability to consume power (the charger may not even function, or at least not correctly, as some updates have shown).

I'd just cannibalize the old one for parts.

EDIT: Better still, clone the chip from the new one, and push the clone it into the old one?

Although I have no proof to argue with... I believe you are incorrect...
I believe the U0/u-boot reside in the 512KB NOR chip and not in the NAND...
EVERYTHING ELSE is stored in the MTD partitions in the NAND chip.
Therefore, even if the NAND is completely empty the device would boot...
To IUW access, at least.

Unfortunately the 'new one' already has many defects and may soon be unuseable...
If nothing else... I will have that 'part unit' available...
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In an the folders contained within should follow...

system- folder containing android operating system, apks, media, system files, ect (not an image)
recovery.img- just incase if recovery gets damaged and needs reflashed
Ramdisk.img- should be modified to allow the kernel and system to work faster together
userdata- folder containing 3rd party apps for installation that you do not want as system apks

splash.img- this would be your newly made splash screen (if you made one)

the update script must be rewritten to allow to this process to work, as for the signature. i never figured that one out, could try using signature writing scripts on your package and see what happesn. make your own unique code. sign the everything inside your and then the itself.