Cyanogen Mod 7.0.3 or VEGAn-TAB GingerEdition v7.1.0


Jun 22, 2011
I'm looking for the More stable mod.
I have had many many issues in the past where the marketplace would stop working randomly. Also, problems where games or apps would break unexpectedly.

What do you guys think of these two ROMS?? Which IHO should I go with? I'm not even sure which is more active. CM just received an update but my device was not included sadly.
If you are going with those ROMs, I would do VeganTab.

Sent from my Nexus S using Android Tablet Forum
I notice you use Flashback 10.0 (Honeycomb) on your Viewsonic GTab.. would this be your #1 recommended ROM? I have been having difficulties (like mentioned above) with apps not working after a short period of time. Is this due to a corrupt app I have installed? In which case what measures can I take to not have this occur in the future?

By not working, I mean the Marketplace will say 'error installing app' for everything I try to install. Also random apps that will work fine for weeks will all of a sudden not open (force close on open)
It absolutely is. In my view, the best ROM available, the few issues it does have dont bother me.

Sent from my Flashback 10.0 using Android Tablet Forum
@RAWArtifacts - have you been having any problems with "Your Device is not compatible with this Device" error? That is my only beef with 7.0.0... Thanks
Voyageurs60 - No I have not yet had any "eror" messages (after loading Vegan 7.0.0), should there be any I will inform you! Is there any thing else I should be looking out for? Thanks for your concern.
Finally figured out how to upgrade my gTab from Vegan Tab RC1 7.0.0 to Vegan Tab 7.1.0 - market works again (YEA!). Boot feels faster. Google Maps crashes the unit - other than that very happy... Thanks team
I'm a gTab owner for less than 24 hours so take my comments with a grain of salt. I used the Tap-n-Tap interface for about 5 minutes last night -- that's all it took to decide this tablet needed a new ROM! I went with Cyanogen 7.0.3 based on it's maturity and wealth of information on flashing with this ROM. However, I ran into a number of issues in the market. A number of apps (like Netflix!) came up as "This application is not compatible with your device" and I couldn't install. Even Angry Birds gave this message. I did some searching and a number of people reported a similar issues with CM 7.0.3.

So this morning, I did a bunch of research on alternate ROM's and found a lot of people praising Vegan Tab. I pulled down the latest 7.1.0 and installed it. Wow! What a difference. This ROM is fast and clean. I love it. I've had almost no problems -- just the Google Maps crashing as noted above by voyageurs60. But Google Earth works fine so I don't mind the lack of a functioning Google Maps. No problems with anything else so far.

Really love the Vegan Tab ROM!