D2 201209 Recovery Only


Dec 9, 2012

I'm new here and new to Android; Mostly

I've been able to root and install JB on a Kindle Fire without any issues, however I've had a heck of a time with the D2 tablet I bought from Big Lots. It seems to be a very popular tablet for the money, and I was only installing DROM-

When I try to flash the tablet, I get :
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
E:Can't open /sdcard/dRom-
Installation aborted

I've done all the obvious things such as redownloading, formatting the SD and recopying files, downloading from a different source, etc. No avail

Now, I cannot boot back into ICS, it just hangs at the D2 logo on boot.

I currently have CWM-based Recovery v6.0.1.5 installed.

I am also not able to restore from backup. I DO have the files on the computer, but apparently not on the tablet.

When I mount the tablet in windows 7, I get ADB Composite Device
In Windows XP, it shows as a NEXUS.

Please help!

I'm new here and new to Android; Mostly

I've been able to root and install JB on a Kindle Fire without any issues, however I've had a heck of a time with the D2 tablet I bought from Big Lots. It seems to be a very popular tablet for the money, and I was only installing DROM-

When I try to flash the tablet, I get :
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
E:Can't open /sdcard/dRom-
Installation aborted

I've done all the obvious things such as redownloading, formatting the SD and recopying files, downloading from a different source, etc. No avail

Now, I cannot boot back into ICS, it just hangs at the D2 logo on boot.

I currently have CWM-based Recovery v6.0.1.5 installed.

I am also not able to restore from backup. I DO have the files on the computer, but apparently not on the tablet.

When I mount the tablet in windows 7, I get ADB Composite Device
In Windows XP, it shows as a NEXUS.

Please help!

Exact same thing here, though I can still boot, although keypad is dead and have to use a keyboard. Any help appreciated. I have cwm installed. I've tried a adb push and downloading from the pad.

Log shows:
minzip: Missed a local eader sig (at 8)
E: Can't open /sdcard/tb9.zip

Any ideas?
have you tried with my recovery?
d209_recovery.zip? I believe that was the first I tried. I'll try again from scratch though.

update: I tried the above, and am getting

I:Checking for extendedcommand
I:Skipping execution of extendedcommand, file not found...
I:Can't partition usafe device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
I:Can't format unknown volume: /external_sd
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I'm at a complete loss now. I tried to install from zip, but it aborts saying bad.

I hate to ask, but do you have any detailed instruction on using your recovery?

I tried to even copy the files manually through adb, but the tablet reboots midway through and when I reboot back into the recovery, it's removed everything I copied!
I doubt you guys are even using my recovery, does the recovery say vampirefo?
d209_recovery.zip? I believe that was the first I tried. I'll try again from scratch though.

update: I tried the above, and am getting

I:Checking for extendedcommand
I:Skipping execution of extendedcommand, file not found...
I:Can't partition usafe device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
I:Can't format unknown volume: /external_sd

that is rhg135 recovery, not mine.

My recovery will say

CWM-based Recovery v6.0.1.1 for D2 by Vampirefo

Just a thought, but what MODEL of the D2 Pad do you have? Big Lots carries the "DII" models with the 1.2GHz processor and 1GB RAM, and the "D2" (Colored) models with the 1.0GHz processor and 512MB RAM. Could there be chipset/hardware differences between the models that prevent the recovery from working? I know the D2pad.info website does NOT show a firmware update for the "D2" models, but it does show one for the "DII" models. I purchased both the "DII" and "D2" models last week, but I haven't tried any rooting yet.

Here's a pic of the "DII" model box. It has the rainbow screen pic.

View attachment 9338

The "D2" models have the color-coded box.

View attachment 9339

Not to be a pest, but do you have a link? The only one I see in your Big Lots thread you started was the rhg135 link.

I am at a loss on how you miss it, seeing I made the thread about my recovery, rhg's recovery was added to the thread later.

Anyway seeing my recovery isn't being used, I won't be providing any support.
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I am at a loss on how you miss it, seeing I made the thread about my recovery, rhg's recovery was added to the thread later.

Anyway seeing my recovery isn't being used, I won't be providing any support.

I'm new to this forum and the tablets.
I have one and install your recovery D2PAD actually say your name on the screen at the bottom.
but now every time I turn on my tablet reboot and automatically enters the recovery will not let me log in android, could you help me with that? urges me a lot, or if there is any way to uninstall it from the same recovery you could explain, the computer does not recognize it because it goes straight to recovery so I can not use the adb ... thanks
I'm new to this forum and the tablets.
I have one and install your recovery D2PAD actually say your name on the screen at the bottom.
but now every time I turn on my tablet reboot and automatically enters the recovery will not let me log in android, could you help me with that? urges me a lot, or if there is any way to uninstall it from the same recovery you could explain, the computer does not recognize it because it goes straight to recovery so I can not use the adb ... thanks

There are many d2pad's your d2pad most likely isn't for the one the recovery was made for. most likely you will need to either download new firmware or return the tablet.

what version d2pad do you have?