DATA2EXT for Ideos S7


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
i use app2sd with this script for a while but i am not happy with stability.

i am thinking to use differrent way to move apps/data to sd card but i am not familiar with how android works, linux scripting, or how the linux file system.

the easiest way for me is to unpack boot.img and edit a few lines in init.rc to mount /data to sd card partition so the tablet will think sdcard partition as internal storage.

i also compile kernel to add ext3/ext4 support and tried with ext4 partition but it seems ext2 partition have better performance.

need some advice from android/linux guru here, is it ok to move all data to sd using this way?
There can be stability problems if data is not available at the time that apps start. I have especially had problems with widgets when their data is moved to sdcard causing stability problems. I have been using link2sd, which will move the app, cache, and library files, but not data and it is stable. Most apps do not store huge amounts of data on the internal memory, although I have noticed a few apps do not behave well in this regard. Firefox and Pulse for example. I wonder if you could mount /app/data to another area with some space. There is a mount point for /cache which seems under utilised.