Date taken meta tag being changed on pictures


May 5, 2011
I'm not sure if this is a Honeycomb issue or something to do with the method in which I copied the pictures.

I copied a bunch of pictures to the Iconia via the USB connection to my PC. This was done just by copying and pasting. When I brought the pictures up in the Gallery, they were in a weird order. I thought they may have been in backwards order of when I took them, but when I started to look at the Time field within the Details of the picture I noticed that the time was the timestamp of when the file was copied to the Iconia. On my PC, the time taken was still the correct time. (e.g. 4/28/11 was changed to 5/5/11) What's even weirder is the time field was only changed for pictures taken with my Canon Powershot and not ones taken with my Motorola Droid.

I don't know if this would happen if I used the Acer Sync tool. I guess I could try it, but when I installed it I didn't like you had to set the sync folder with a folder on a physical drive and not an attached USB drive.

Anyone seen this? Also, anyone know how to make the gallery order the pictures by the time taken and not in reverse of that?

Thanks in advance.
replying with some additional information. I couldn't use Windows Explorer to look at the meta tags on the Iconia so I copied a picture back to my PC. And lo and behold the Date Taken meta tag is correct. So, for some reason the Gallery app isn't reading that tag correctly for pictures taken with my Canon but it does it ok with ones from my phone.

Or somehow by magic it's being changed back on copying to the pc, but that seems unlikely.