delete pics in auto backup to Picasa...


Oct 14, 2011
I have some pics in gallery..would like to delete on group has been put in folder and marked auto backup (I think) to Picasa..sure would like to delete these pics.Put 'em on for contacts and done with them
Whoops..its a Samsung galaxie note 2
In Gallery you have the option not to sync with Picasa but if you don't want them at all just delete them on Picasa.
Thank you sir,I'm a newbie here,obviously.I can't find Picasa on the phone.Can't find where to not backup.I have unchecked several options for Sync.Maybe that will do it in the future.For now I still have the pics in gallery and can't find where they are in "auto backup"..
I'm sure it's probably obvious how to do it but I'm unable.Thanks again
Hi Fuzzy, I can't help with the Picasa part, but a long press of the group in Gallery should highlight the group and display a "garbage" can icon on the top line. Tap the can and the highlighted group should be deleted. (If a tap doesn't work, drag the group to the can. I can't say for sure which will work w/o deleting one of my own groups.:rolleyes:)
Thanks folks,I googled around and found a link to do it... it sure worked....

Not sure if OK to post the link or if it's of any interest to anyone..
Thanks again for the help and suggestions