Deodexing system and framework


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2010
How to deodex system/app and system/framework files on a Huawei S7 tablet.

Thanks to:
Xeudoxus at Droid Forum - Covering all Verizon Droid Phones: Motorola Droid, Droid X, Droid 2, Droid Incredible and Droid Eris for this application.
Gary Crutcher from News for how to...

Tablet must have root!

1. Install Java SDK
2. Install Android SDK
3. Unzip to C:/
4. Use adb to pull system/app files from tablet to local folder app
5. Use adb to pull system/framework files from tablet to local folder framework
6. Copy files in local folder app to Deodex folder origi_app
7. Copy files in local folder app to Deodex folder comp_app
8. Copy files in local folder framework to Deodex folder origi_frame
9. Copy files in local folder framework to Deodex folder comp_frame
10. click deodex-app.bat (this will start deodexing the origi_app folder)
11. When finished, click deodex_frame (this will start the deodexing of the origi_frame folder)
12. When finised, click zip_em_app (this will zipalign the the done_app folder
13. When finised, click zip_em_frame (this will zipalign the the done_frame folder
14. When finished, copy all the files in the done_app folder to the comp_app folder
15. Delete all the *.odex files in the comp_app folder
16. When finished, copy all the files in the done_frame folder to the comp_frame folder
17. Delete all the *.odex files in the comp_frame folder
18. Now you have finished deodexing your system/app and system/framework
19. It's time to get the deodexed files back to your tablet:
We can do this in more ways.

a. Do it manually using adb as follows:

adb push comp_app/ /sdcard/
adb push comp_frame/ /sdcard/
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
cp /sdcard/comp_app/* /system/app/
rm /system/app/*.odex
chmod 644 /system/app/*
cp /sdcard/comp_frame/* /system/framework/
chmod 644 /system/framework/*
rm /system/framework/*.odex
mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system

b. Manually move from sdcard with root explorer program.
in root explorer mount the system folder rw
go on sdcard and use multiple selection option and copy the apk file from app folder(for safety do it little by little)
now paste this selection on /system/app folder
delete the *.odex file
do the same thing with the apk file from framework (copy them on /system/framework/)
delete the *.odex file
we need to set the right permission to all the file that we have replaced.
we can do this with root explorer or tru adb shell.

Remember this is experimental!
Do it on your own risk!


Deodexed file from S7 V100R001C62B013