Device Storage


Senior Member
Oct 26, 2011
I found this service sits there being a huge battery hog. When I kill it, it just restarts itself. Is there anyway to get rid of it or is it one of those things required by the OS?
I'm not certain I understand what the problems is. Maybe if you asked/explained a different way. This was posted in the Samsung forum but your profile says Vizio. Which one?
Oops, haven't had the Vizio for over two years, I'm on my second Samsung.

Anyway, the tablet has gone from four days w/o charging to less than two. So I started looking at what was eating the battery. Under 'services' on all-in-one toolbox, the 'device storage' is always at the top, with by far the highest percentage. When I kill it, it just restarts.
You can't kill it if its a system process. If device storage is the biggest battery drain, you might want to look for a file, using a file manager like Astro, for a corrupted image file or similar. The device storage might be in a loop trying to pull thumbnails to view or something.
It could also be corrupt cache. If you use Gallery a lot, go to settings - app manager and scroll to all. Find Gallery and clear cache and settings then restart your tab.