Discussion: Fee For ICS Update?


Jan 29, 2012
Hello fellow forum users, I am new to the forum and Android OS. Please be patient with me for all the questions I might have with my new experience.

I have a Gateway A60 Tablet running Android 3.2.1. (stock), and have researched the possibility of upgrading to ICS 4.0, but have found out that this model isn't going to be upgraded to ICS now or in the future so I have a question. Does anyone know how you would contact Google to make a suggestion to offer ICS 4.0 to all users of tablets a chance to upgrade their units (hardware allowing it) with a for purchase copy of ICS 4.0.

From the comments I've seen posted over many different forum postings it would aopear that if existing users of tablets wait for their manufacturers or Google to offer the upgrade on a free basis it won't happen, with with a fee structure attached it might be possible. Anyone interested in responding with a discussion of this topic in mind please do.

Hello Dewy, welcome to the forum. Glad to have you as a member here at Android Tablets. Although your tablet is a re-branded Acer Iconia 500 and the Acers are being updated, the last I heard was that the Gateways aren't. I'd contact Gateway and make some noise about that if I had an A60. Since the Acer folks aren't part of this fight and there isn't a Gateway forum, the best place for your discussion would probably be the Android Tablet Q&A section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you, and we'll see what happens. Good luck!