Disgo 6000 bricked?


Oct 28, 2011
Hi all, long time listener, first time caller ....

Anyway, I thought I might ask some professional opinion on whether my Disgo is actually bricked or not.

I had the Sylvania beta 5 on it for a while to check it out, changed the wireless drivers to the latest ones.

Was going ok, then this morning I started getting 'Wireless Error' trying to turn the wireless on.

I thought I might flash back to the Beta 3 as it is generally regarded as more stable.

Trying to be a clever dick, I knew that I couldn't burn over OTG port with Win 64 bit (no drivers) but I installed XP mode and did it via IUW1.1 on that (please, I realise that was a bit daft now, you don't need to tell me!).

This all 'seemed' to work fine, usual screen instructions, factory reset button to restart device afterwards, but after that, nothing, nada, dead, I can't even get the infotmic logo up. Plugging in USB cable and trying to turn on to re-flash also brings no response.

So the way I see it one of two things has happened:
  1. The device was undergoing a major hardware failure (indicated by the dying wireless?) and has now just died completely. This means device now useless.
  2. Flashing through a VM 32 bit XP on a 64 Bit Win 7 has corrupted the data as it was sent to the device, which has then accepted it and therefore bricked the device.
So I am wondering if:

- does anyone know whether I should still see the Infotmic screen after a bad flash? (so I could know whether this is actually a bad flash or hardware fault)
- Has anyone else flashed through USB using XP Mode on a 64 bit win7 (as I did) and either got the same result or had no problems
- Has anyone got any ideas as to anything I might try to get the tablet working again?

The only good point is that I only paid 30 quid for it a few weeks ago, the prime purpose being I wanted to make all my mistakes with ROM's etc. on a cheapy tab, not an expensive one!
Hi all, long time listener, first time caller ....
Welcome to the party! What took you so long?

Anyway, I thought I might ask some professional opinion on whether my Disgo is actually bricked or not.
Probably, explanation to follow.

I had the Sylvania beta 5 on it for a while to check it out, changed the wireless drivers to the latest ones.

Was going ok, then this morning I started getting 'Wireless Error' trying to turn the wireless on.

I thought I might flash back to the Beta 3 as it is generally regarded as more stable.

Trying to be a clever dick, I knew that I couldn't burn over OTG port with Win 64 bit (no drivers) but I installed XP mode and did it via IUW1.1 on that (please, I realise that was a bit daft now, you don't need to tell me!).
Withholding comments as requested! :)

This all 'seemed' to work fine, usual screen instructions, factory reset button to restart device afterwards, but after that, nothing, nada, dead, I can't even get the infotmic logo up. Plugging in USB cable and trying to turn on to re-flash also brings no response.

So the way I see it one of two things has happened:

  1. The device was undergoing a major hardware failure (indicated by the dying wireless?) and has now just died completely. This means device now useless.
  2. Flashing through a VM 32 bit XP on a 64 Bit Win 7 has corrupted the data as it was sent to the device, which has then accepted it and therefore bricked the device.

So I am wondering if:

- does anyone know whether I should still see the Infotmic screen after a bad flash? (so I could know whether this is actually a bad flash or hardware fault)
Have not experienced. Typically no response of any type not matter what is done, meaning button pushes, power cable connected, USB connected. As you noted either bad hardware or more likely the U0 u-boot-nand.bin image was corrupt thus causing the device to no longer communicate.
- Has anyone else flashed through USB using XP Mode on a 64 bit win7 (as I did) and either got the same result or had no problems
No experience here, only used XP.
- Has anyone got any ideas as to anything I might try to get the tablet working again?
One final attempt, try creating a bootable microSD card using the "old" method with WinHex and aben.start sector.001. Format FAT 32 Quick, create a folder called "android", leave blank for now insert into tablet with power cord plugged in and turn on, see if get "Booting from SD" or some similar message. If so, you're in luck and might try to complete the process with these steps - No OTG, bootable SD card method to add "factory reset (three finger method)"

The only good point is that I only paid 30 quid for it a few weeks ago, the prime purpose being I wanted to make all my mistakes with ROM's etc. on a cheapy tab, not an expensive one!
Agree, it has been acceptable to experiment and work through the frustrating issues with this tablet with the goal of learning. Good luck and if nothing works, move on to search for your next deal on an Android tablet. There will be many more coming with the Holiday shopping season.
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Must be that time of the year.... My mothers sylvania took a crap a day or two ago and everytime you powered it on, it would do the "calibrate screen" thing and everything was gone.

I used the IUW and re-flashed it and it seems to be stable right now, but I am cycling the battery and haven't really messed with it. I have ONLY use XP sp3 with IUW after trying it on Vista 32 and it not working...
weird? on my sytabex I can flash its os on a win7 PC 32 bits, however on my synet, only XP works to flash the os into it, thats how I got rid of the stuck sylvania logo during boot; what about the long time boot when you have a couple of apks into them? my sytabex boot time its around 1 minute and some seconds after the sylvania logo of course, but the 1 minute starts when the basic original launcher appears, after the minute and something the calendar, weather and clock widget appears, does somebody knows how to decrease that waiting time for boot up? besides changing the launcher of course....

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet
Thanks cfrockit, a glimmer of hope! Your time taken to write an informative and easy to understand response is much appreciated :)

I'm not at home at the moment, but will try this out when I am and report back.
Nope. It's bricked permanently. Never mind, its useful information anyway, thanks again.

I thought I'd take the back off and have a poke around which broke the screen glass, so now its well and truely firked! I'd heard reports of how flimsy and fragile the glass in these was but wow ... thats flimsy!
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