Does anyone know how to repair MID701-R Mac address?


Aug 11, 2011
my tablet render useless now, I can't connect to the internet at all, because the wifi doesn't seen to work due to the mac address. I tried almost every single files out there to flash the firmware and the mac address of the tablet still not showing up in the tablet as well as the devices:mad:. I have what they call a G10 mid701, it came with the remote and no bluetooth, which another disapointment. please help.
Evidently in FWDN tool - menu Tools => Options... => check Insert WiFi MAC Address => OUI: 0x[first 6 chars MAC], NIC: 0x[last 6 chars MAC].
Did that, and GOD know how many time I did it and so many different mac addresses I have used.
Did that so many time already with all source of different mac addresses, still not working. Under wifi still no mac address. any other idea or sugession.?
What I don't really get is why entering other MAC addresses or just making one up doesn't work? So far as I can tell the MAC address you enter in the FWDN options is just the software address - and you can normally spoof those to any address you want - having nothing to do with the hard-coded address on the wifi chip. There is unfortunately no way I can think of on Android to get the hard-coded address from the wifi chip. On Linux I'd normally just "lspci" for that, but we don't have that option in Android. The closest thing we have is "getprop" and that isn't going to tell you what you need to know either. Well it could if a MAC address had been set, since it gets coded into the device Serial Number retrieved by getprop, but I'm guessing yours would have a lot of zeroes in it. If there was an address and it was connected to the network you could get the MAC with "busybox ifconfig -a" command, but when not connected it shows nothing for the wlan0 adapter (and I'm guessing the same for the "dumpsys wifi" command). There IS a "dummy0" with a MAC address I suppose you could try - I've no clue what it refers to or why it is there.

If you have MAC filtering enabled on your router you may be able to retrieve your old MAC address from the filter table. Similarly if you have any log files from the router or firewall that would reveal the MAC address the tablet once had.

Another thought is you could make up an address that at least has the correct vendor prefix for the chip. I recall something a long time ago when trying to get my madwifi to work on a Linux box running across a forum post about some chips that wouldn't connect with spoofed MAC addresses unless the spoofed address wasn't at least "in the family." If that's true, here are my best guesses as to vendor prefixes which may work for inventing a MAC address:
Well, I could try the list of mac address you have above. Hopefully that would work. beside that, I have try almost every single mac addresses, each time i flash the tablet, than check under the setting>About divice>>status=under "my device Number" I got "unknown" and under Wi-fi Mac address also "Unavailble". When I first have this device, It was working both from my home and other places, right after I flash the tablet and forget to record the actual mac that came with it, that is when I get this problem, everything else is working but the wifi. By the way if it help. I got this tablet (7" tablet) from and the model is G10 Haipad M701 Android 2.3 Tablet with Remote Control, 512M RAM. If any body have the original backup of this tablet can you direct me to that backup so I can try to restore my to that back up.

Thanks everyone as well OffWorld!!!
on most telechips tablets, MAC address under "Settings -> about ..." is not displayed when wifi is disabled.
I guess "no MAC address so wifi doesn't work" is wrong. "wifi doesn't work so no MAC address is displayed" is correct, but I don't know why wifi doesn't work.

MAC address can be set as a part of serial# by FWDN, and Android for telechips uses it. generally no need to set MAC address while flashing new ROM everytime. FWDN just keeps serial#. some wrong chinese docs, translated docs, and some blogs/posts say MAC address need to be set by FWDN, but it's wrong.

setting random MAC address many times doesn't help you too. you should investigate why your wifi doesn't work again.
May be OffWorld right! perhalp each vendor have their own special family mac address for that preticular tablet and my tablet have to be in it correct family in order for it to work. I'll try that see how it work out.
@fun - yes you are correct that no MAC address is shown if the tablet is not connected. I honestly don't recall if the very first time you run FWDN whether the MAC address boxes are empty - I guess I assumed they are and that's why fullplay is having problems. Regarding the Serial Number, that would ONLY get overwritten if you ticked the "Overwrite Serial Number" box in FWDN>Options>Target, which normally you wouldn't do but I guess I assumed fullplay had but may not so. . .

@fullplay - IF you didn't select to Overwrite Serial Number in FWDN you should be able to retrieve the original MAC address for your tablet. The sequence is:

"F1"+Product Number(2 digits)+WiFi MAC Address (12 digits)+Time (12 digits)+Serial Count (4 digits)
@OffWorld, you are right. I did put the check mark on the overwrite the serial number, but that only when I lost my connection from wifi. However, I did generate another serial number right after that. since the serial number design to track the product. in this case it use the mac address and the bluetooth address for the serial number. How about android itself, under setting it should display the device mumber right? But mine, after I generate the new serial number from the FWDN it's still not display anything.
@fullplay - actually most of the firmwares I've flashed to my tablet haven't shown a Device Number in the Settings, but it still does have a Serial Number. There are a couple of ways to retrieve it:

1. Connect tablet to computer, run ADB and type: adb shell getprop and you'll get a whole mess of information, including the serial number under "[ro.serialno]:".

2. On the tablet run a Terminal Emulator and type getprop for the same info.

Though this is only going to show whatever the last generated serial number was so if it was incorrectly overwritten this probably won't be very useful. Can't hurt to look though.
@OffWorld, When I ran the getprop. under the serial section i got "[ro.serialno]:F10020059B00340121108311521420000. This is the serial number I input it in there when I flash the tablet with the list of mac addresses.
@OffWorld, When I ran the getprop. under the serial section i got "[ro.serialno]:F10020059B00340121108311521420000. This is the serial number I input it in there when I flash the tablet with the list of mac addresses.

Hmm, well according to the sequence given in FWDN it's one digit longer than it should be, but breaking it down the MAC is:
Which is really close to one of those vendor prefixes if I assume there's an extra zero that got accidentally inserted (which would also account for the number being one digit too long). My best guess for what it is supposed to be is this:

Though didn't you say you used your Bluetooth MAC at one point and overwrote the Serial Number? In which case this number may be useless to you. I trust that you didn't change your network's settings? You didn't have MAC filtering turned on? You have tried to connect either to an unsecured public hotspot or guest account on your own router? I ask because it still seems odd to me that you should need the original MAC address when such numbers can usually be spoofed.
well, I did try to forward one more digit for the Bluetooth, however that did not work, as far as the network concern, i did not change any thing as fall as the network filtering, everything stay the same as it once connected to it. I'll try the mac address you suggest above and see how that would work out.
Well, so much for that I still get an error on that. under the getprop info. the serial info is F1002059B0034012110831152142000. but I also found under [wifi.eng.anabled]: [false] and the [net.hostname]: [android_f0d0747918d35822] could this host name is using the mac address to idenfied itself to the network? by the way here are the image of what my tablet look like: $IMG0000.jpg$IMG0001.jpg$IMG0003.jpg

Perhalp, I might have the wrong firmware for my tablet. if you know where I can get the correct one, please direct me to it.
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