Downloading Never Stops/Completes


Dec 27, 2012
Need some help:

When trying to download a new app (Google Play) or update an app already installed, it just keeps installing (the blue line thing and the arrows in the left upper corner going downward) and never completes. I never get any error message. I have tried clearing the cache on Google Play app but that doesn't work. Could it be that I don't have enough memory/storage or just a glitch?

This is the type of tablet I have:
Panasonic Model A/S8
Android 4.2.2
Kernel 1.0.0
Build Number AS8-20130827


It happens on my Coby as well. I have to restart the tablet for the updates to properly complete.
Check to make sure your tablet actually is connected to WiFi, because even though it may appear so, it actually could be disconnected. I've had that happen too. Other than that and it's likely a glitch.
I have an Insignia that has plenty of free space and have the same problem. It appears as if an update or install got stuck in a loop and never completed. I'm connected to the wifi as I can stream just fine, but it always displays that a download is active, so if I try and install a new app it never does. It just sits and shows the in progress indicator that it is downloading, but I know it is in fact blocked by this process gone bad that I can't identify. Never any error messages. I've never installed an app and had it fail. I've cleared cache and made sure I have plenty of available space The tablet continues to work fine, I'll just never be able to update or install another app until I find out what is causing this continual download that isn't really doing anything. "Process gone wild", this process starts up every time I start the tablet and after a month and a half I don't think it is going to finish, I need to kill it somehow, but identifying it first would be really helpful. Need the equivalent of task manager etc. to see what processes are running and which are sucking up the wifi bandwidth to identify the bad process and kill it. HELP.
Hi JJ & sweishaar, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become members of Android Tablets. There are lots of task killer apps that would tell you what's running and allow you to kill it, but if you can't download anything how would you install one of them. If you haven't already done so, turn the tablet completely off. Hold the power button in until you get a shutdown message and shutdown. Let it sit for a minute and then reboot. If that doesn't fix it, go to your settings and tap Apps. There should be a list of running apps, force stop all the apps that could be using the WiFi and see if that does it. If it's still not fixed, I'd suggest you do a factory reset. Good luck!