Downloads fail


Dec 25, 2012
I am using a Crtaig Tablet CMP741E with the Android Operating System 4.03. I have tried to download apps from Slideme and Amazon and each time the download fails saying it was cancel by the user or failed. There is an update for Slideme and that even fails to download. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I do have an internet connection. Thanks
I am having the same problems with my Coby tablet. It downloaded them with no problem the first few days, but then whenever I try to download an app , it says download failed . I dont know whats wrong, but I need help. I will do a little more searching about it and when I find something ,I will tell you.
Great new!! I found a way of getting my tablet to download!! I shut it off for about 10-20 seconds, turned it on, went to the app store and downloaded a new app store and uninstalled the other . Hope this helps you!