Dropad A8 vs. LY GT-Pad?!

Found it on eBay

7" Android 2.2 Capacitive GPS Bluetooth Tablet PC MID | eBay

has anyone tested this one yet?
I am now trying to decide if I should get this one instead
with regards to the V7
I think it would have been a great tablet -the quality issues I had are more production assembly line dependent
the back panel was sticking out
the green "on" light was not aligned to where the glass enabling seeing it was
the charging was fine in the first one I had but a joke on the second one
the aluminium rim (it is cool) had sharp edges (second one, first tablet was fine)
the screen responsiveness on the first tablet was bad, when typing I was getting letters from somewhere else - was not an issue on the second one

the other thing that is somewhat upsetting is the lack of gps and bluetooth

when it comes to video playback it was fantastic for high definition. I tried it with normal definition movies (the 700mb divex) the it wasn't that great anymore
it lacked depth and I was missing details which I did see on my laptop- now that could be a software issue

just my thoughts
Check out the ainol nova8, My mate ordered that in the end, on paper and video reviews it seems to be ideal,Shipping time roughly 14days so he should be getting it this coming week...
Read a bit about the Sinor M8
it looks quite interesting

also read about the resolution and it seems that if you want to be able read text that was meant for printing then you need the higher resolution
in this case the M8 seems perfect. the only problem seems to be that have not released the second version yet
After quite a lot of searching I found the M8 a few weeks ago and I've been trying to find out a lot more on that specific unit.
So far that seems to be the perfect combination of both the V7 and the A8 as it has the performance of the Dropads S5PV210 cpu and the high res screen of the V7.

Apparently HD vids run perfectly, even directly off the USB port. It has an 8" display with an HD res of 1027x768 (4:3) which is perfect for browsing the web, reading and watching movies/series/anime, although not quite sure on the seeking and syncing of both subs and audio. Seeing as the M8 has the same cpu as the Dropad I'm assuming that the higher resolution helps with the HD contents performance over the Dropad

HD gaming, unfortunately, hasn't been tested yet as the guy who's been giving me info on his unit wasn't able to play any of the 3 HD Gameloft games he tried, but I suspect that to depend on which version of the game he's tried.

If anyone has the Herotab M8 and is able to test out the HD gaming side of thing it would be much appreciated (these games are around 500Mb+)

Bad news on the M8, though, is that this last batch or this new batch is a bit of a problem. Still waiting on confirmation though...

Another nice feature on the M8 would be it's integrated GPS which works quite well compared to a TomTom or Garmin, apparently :p

Thanks Daioz for the informative review, really helps with my decision among the 2 if the M8 isn't at all what I'm hoping it to be.
Anyone know anything about the LY GT-Pad (LY-521) or possibly have one?

Anyone able to shine some light on the LY GT-Pad, or the Dropad A8 successor (not neccessarily a Dropad)

Specification-wise I'm looking for the following as minimum requirements:

1Ghz+ processor
512Mb Ram
4Gb min HD space
Built-in Wifi
USB Host port
Android 2.2+
7" Capacitive multi-touch LCD (1024x600 would be excellent, but not neccessary)
All of this in the +-$200 region with worldwide shipping (and a PayPal option).
Look to my signature; I bought such tablet you are searching for at dhgate.
I aim in Europe; the transaction via paypal and transport via DHL went very easy (less than 7 days to my home). They have a good after sales system at dhgate, where can stay in contact with the producer.
Screen resolution and touch resolution is super, video, e-book reading audio is perfect (I can listen to jazzradio or mp3 files while reading.; e-mail with gmail or K9 works well; with profimail not
I have also some problems with other apps: sometimes the system does not recognise, that the internal sdcard is mounted so that apps data are not accessible. I aim in touch with the producer; however, I have the feeling it is an android problem
Location does not function - no surprise since no GPS no mobile telephone only Wifi and internet via cable
However, I can use fake location and maps etc works.
I have problems with some applications which stop immediately after start; but it seems to be again an adroid problem
Major drawback: the battery lasts only for 3-4 hours. Battery usage indicates that 70% of the consumption is due to mobile standby, while there is no mobile phone; it seems that the programme is permanently scanning, if there is a mobile radiosignal around. I aim in touch with the producer on that.
Until now I have not found out with which devices I can use the USB-OTG connector except to connect to my PC. I have a micro-USB to Host cable, which was included in the delivery and tried to connect a Bluetooth dongle: did not work while all the necessary software seems to be there.
Major drawback: the device has no microphone or it does not function; there is only an audio jack no input. ; so forget skype or other VOIP telephony.
If I could connect a USB VOIP headset this would solve my voip telephone problem; if I could connect bluetooth it would be better.
The missing mic would have been a reason, not to buy it; the problem with USB-OTG I hope can be solved and as well the apps problem with the internal sdcard
Its a handy nice device for 192US$ which fits very well into my jackets. Nice to use where it functions. Howver due to missfunctions I would recommend it only to people who have some knowledge with android ; the final quality control seems to be a bit low . But if you know how to handle it yourself then it is much better than an ipad a) for the prize b) for the size c) for the accessibility of videos, audio and e-book files from the open market; it compares very well with the archos 70IT
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