E-reader & Kindle


Mar 25, 2011
So, are kindle books purchased from Amazon in a proprietary format? I installed the Amazon Android App and the Kindle App and purchased a book. I can read it fine via the Kindle App but I cannot find the actual file anywhere. I was going to import it into the E-Reader that came installed on the tablet. I suspect this is not possible?
what's the file extension of the kindle file? you can use the search tool in your tablet.
I know I'm replying more than a year later, but for anyone else who has this problem I found a work-around and would like to share :) if you browse to Android -> data -> com.amazon.kindle -> files in your file explorer you'll see some .prc files, if you click on one, you have the option to open it as text and then you can open it with E-Reader :) hope this helps!