electronic crap

I got the email about the 150 Clips that came in and when I ordered there were only 15 left... glad I ordered when I did.
How do I find out when they come in?

Steve at ElectronicCrap has a newsletter that you can sign up for. When he gets shipments he sends a warning email that they are coming, and another when they arrive. He does this out of his garage basically so he doesn't keep a ton of stock, and he doesn't do any markup other than enough to cover his expenses.
i just received the m1 yesterday and it fits good except for the top right corner by the buttons. its loose at that spot. im thinking of cutting the strip there a hair shorter and sowing it to make it a perfect fit.
I signed up yesterday and logged on multiple times to get an M1... then again at 8 today... each time says sold out... did I miss em?

update... just got case and screen protector...
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i just got an email literally 1 minute ago saying he has 100 m1's 100 screen protectors and 25 thinskins in and 100 clips 50 m1's 100 docks and 50 oem chargers on the way
Me too...im just impatient I guess

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