Elocity A7 gps


Jan 12, 2011
The elocity support website indicates gps is not supported. Has anybody tried this via usb or bluetooth?
In order for gps to work on a device it would need the hardware/antennae combination along with the software to make it operate. I seriously doubt you are finding this in this device. The software would not work at all without the gps.

It might be that some developer in the future will make a way for a user to tether the blackberry to it so you could view maps in a larger format. My blackbery curve works fine with google maps although it tells me on start up that I need a subscription of I load the thing and go for a drive it follows me just fine. In fact the blackberry, while I was in a hotel in Toronto, on launching the app took about 2 seconds to relocate me from London to Toronto and show my exact location in a Hotel downtown, from inside the hotel. I was quite surprised. Knowing that the little screen would drive me nuts I attempted to connect to a network, with no luck. If you want to get a network while driving pull in close to the building at a Motel 6. I did that many many times in the last few years, they have free WiFi, so you can update things while traveling. They also take your dog no questions asked. I no longer have one. :(
I have gotten a bluetooth gps from eBay, paired it with my A7, and it worked fine.

It was a Holux 1200E. I have been told that it will work with google maps, but havn't tried that yet. Just got it working today.

Need to find a good droid gps software package that works well.
The elocity support website indicates gps is not supported. Has anybody tried this via usb or bluetooth?

I hate to say it about Elocity but they should answer everything with "Not that we KNOW about... and Well ummmm..." and their facts would be a little more truthful.

Supporting GPS isn't really a matter of having built-in GPS. A person can take almost any device, that has bluetooth, and give it GPS capabilities and "it being written into the firmware" won't make a bit of a difference.

There's a little program called BlueGPS4Droid that completely solves the GPS problem via using bluetooth and it works well. I GPSed my way to Florida using it and Google Nav and it was great.