Elocity A7

You can ask anyways and we will see if we can help. We do not have a section for eLocity devices yet.
You can ask anyways and we will see if we can help. We do not have a section for eLocity devices yet.

Thank you. Hope you will consider creating a section for Elocity A7 which is becoming quite popular.
Actually I would have created it yesterday if not for some technical difficulties on our end. For now check out our moderator tipstir's forum or XDA if you have any specific questions.
I received my ElocityA7 last week, mfg customer service support in non existent, mfg web support knowledge base, wiki, also non existent.

My unit's details:
Model: A7-040
Firmware: 2.2
Build: PBj8000.2.0121

My ?'s

1: Firmware 2.2, Kernel 2.0121.
Per the MFG website the current firmware is 2.0124 released 1-14-11. Would my current configuration be current or requiring the firmware update?

2: On my tablet (desktop) I have a number of Icons (Facebook, Amazon, Amazon MP3, IMDb) I cannot get rid of. I've depressed the icon for several seconds, dragged into garbage can, icon reappears. In Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Running or All, the option to uninstall is not avail. Even after a force stop uninstall is not avail. Any thoughts or solutions to rid myself of these icons-programs would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance,

Success Removing - Uninstalling applications.

After over a week of futility with Elocity telephone customer service and their non existent e-mail support, an executive (Bud) from Elocity telephone me today with SOLUTIONS!!!

Removing - Uninstalling applications.
Per Bud, Eocity is aware there is an issue with some older "Build" models (my build 2.0121). Here is Bud's solution, I did it, it works, applications & icons gone.

Visit this link Titanium Backup for Android ? Official Site download the Titanium Backup. You can download this directly to your Elocity tablet or as I did download it from my desktop PC to a jump drive. I inserted the jump drive into my Elocity tablet, located the file TitaniumBackup_latest.apk and installed it. I followed the on screen directions to make a backup, this took 10 seconds. From there I followed the Wiki instructions here (#7) TB - User's guide : Titanium Backup - Wiki

select uninstall and you could be a happy camper like I am now.

FYI: Elocity this morning released a firmware update available here: eLocity Customer Support
Once downloaded and installed check your Build version, should now be 2.0127 after firmware update..
Success Removing - Uninstalling applications.

After over a week of futility with Elocity telephone customer service and their non existent e-mail support, an executive (Bud) from Elocity telephone me today with SOLUTIONS!!!

Removing - Uninstalling applications.
Per Bud, Eocity is aware there is an issue with some older "Build" models (my build 2.0121). Here is Bud's solution, I did it, it works, applications & icons gone.

Visit this link Titanium Backup for Android ? Official Site download the Titanium Backup. You can download this directly to your Elocity tablet or as I did download it from my desktop PC to a jump drive. I inserted the jump drive into my Elocity tablet, located the file TitaniumBackup_latest.apk and installed it. I followed the on screen directions to make a backup, this took 10 seconds. From there I followed the Wiki instructions here (#7) TB - User's guide : Titanium Backup - Wiki

select uninstall and you could be a happy camper like I am now.

FYI: Elocity this morning released a firmware update available here: eLocity Customer Support
Once downloaded and installed check your Build version, should now be 2.0127 after firmware update..

Wow, you seem to have gotten information that I and quite a few others have been trying to get for some time. Nice going.
#1- Thanks for the news about the firmware update,which I just installed.
#2- However, the part about downloading/installing the Titanium Backup sounds very confusing to me and my grandson. I don't think we could do all of that (as novices).
Didn't Elocity mention anything about a "fix" that would allow us to do from with the A7?
I guess we will never be able to get rid of Amazon; Amazon MP3; FaceBooki; etc.
Alice, the Titanium Backup download and install is quite easy. Using your Elocity tablet select this link Titanium Backup for Android ? Official Site scroll down to "Where to find Titanium Backup:" select - It's also available for download. Hotlinking to my apk files is allowed. This will download the .apk file to your Elocity tablet (1.71mb).

1.Use the web browser to visit the download location and download the app. In the upper left corner of the screen you will see a down arrow icon indicating the download in progress. When the arrow stops its animation and becomes solid white, the download is complete.

2.On the bezel, tap the Home button, then tap the Menu button right below it.

3.A sub-menu will appear along the bottom of the screen. Select Notifications.

4.The screen will display notifications of any downloads. Choose the application you wish to install.

5.In the screen that follows, tap the Install button at the bottom left.
Note: If you do not find your app listed in the Notifications section, you can also access it by launching the OI File Manager application and opening the download folder. After doing this, follow steps 3 and 4 above.

Then follow the on-screen instructions from the Titanium Backup, followed by: From there I followed the Wiki instructions here (#7) TB - User's guide : Titanium Backup - Wiki

Still having issues send me a PM please.

Yes Elocity member did say that have fixes in the works, should be soon.
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I typed a long response to your last message, but I think I erased it doing all this rushing around the computer.
#1- Is the Titanium Backup similar to the Google Market Place? My grandson installed that and found out he did not like it at all and had to remove it.
#2- Could we download the Titanium Backup to desktop and copy to SDHC and then insert that card in A7? Or would that be the harder of the two? (My thinking is that the download to the A7 might be the easier.)
#3- Is the Titanium Backup another program that would take-up a lot of the A7 stoarge space? Would it also install an icon on the desktop of the A7?
#4- As you can tell, we know "nothing" about the A7 and programs, downloading, uninstalling, etc.
#5- Bezel?
We are now reading and re-reading your last message and trying to understand each step.
(We both tried reading the manual but it doesn't deal with the questions we had/have. Such as uninstalling apps and icons, etc.)
I (we) really appreciate your kind help and patience. Some folks seem to get angry at us for asking questions, but that is what we thought forums were for - asking questions. Not all of us are computer "whiz kids"
P.S. Do you think, because we are so unsure of ourselves, we should wait for that "fix" (about installing an uninstaller that works in the next firmware update) to be released?
I typed a long response to your last message, but I think I erased it doing all this rushing around the computer.
#1- Is the Titanium Backup similar to the Google Market Place? My grandson installed that and found out he did not like it at all and had to remove it. No
#2- Could we download the Titanium Backup to desktop and copy to SDHC and then insert that card in A7? Yes Or would that be the harder of the two? (My thinking is that the download to the A7 might be the easier.) Yes.
#3- Is the Titanium Backup another program that would take-up a lot of the A7 stoarge space? No Would it also install an icon on the desktop of the A7? Yes - from the desktop icon this program creates you can delete the useless ones (Amazon, Facebook).
#4- As you can tell, we know "nothing" about the A7 and programs, downloading, uninstalling, etc. Welcome to modern technology.
#5- Bezel? That's the outer edge around the screen.
We are now reading and re-reading your last message and trying to understand each step.
(We both tried reading the manual but it doesn't deal with the questions we had/have. Such as uninstalling apps and icons, etc.)
I (we) really appreciate your kind help and patience. Some folks seem to get angry at us for asking questions, but that is what we thought forums were for - asking questions. Not all of us are computer "whiz kids"
P.S. Do you think, because we are so unsure of ourselves, we should wait for that "fix" (about installing an uninstaller that works in the next firmware update) to be released?
You could be waiting awhile. If I had not heard from the MFG today I was sending mine back to ShopNBC for a refund Monday. I do not do business with companies that do not support their product. I can say eLocity CS is not knowledgeable about the product. Bud from eLocity informed me today the product has been released to the public for a few weeks, the showing on ShopNBC last weekend sold 6000 copies. Just like with any computer (software) release there will be a few glitches.
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I downloaded TitaniumBackup_latest.apk (1.73MB) and I see it in the OI File Manager. However, when I click on it, I saw that it would not install a program not downloaded from Adnroid site. I went to App settings and unclicked "Unknown Sources." I hope I did the right thing.
I went back to the OI and clicked on the TB and it appears to have installed. I clicked on the icon and it brings me to a screen with a lot of apps listed (Backup/Restore) but they all say "No Backup Yet." Do I have to concern myself about that screen?
How would I delete Amazon MP3 icon and proglram?
Thank you.

Just happened to go into "Backup/Restore" and saw all the apps. Again, just happened to put my finger on Amazon and a screen came up = "Warning - You have no backup of the current version of this ap. You might have no up-to-date backup of this app's data. Do you want to uninstall it?"
#1- I clicked YES, and lo and behold, the Amazon was gone. Did I do right by clicking YES?
#2- Then another pop-up about Warning - This will uninstall the system package. Some system packages are needed for your phone to work propertly...... If you uninstall the wrong package it's your fault....."
I clicked YES again. Was that correct?
#3- Am I finished with this Titanium Backup now. Or do I have to do something else?

#4- The remaining icons/programs are
Adobe Reader, Aidiko, Appoke, Browser, Calculator, Camera, Clock, Contacts, Dev Tools, Documents To Go, Email, FBReader, Fring, Gallery, Getjar Apps, IMDb, Kindle, Music, OI File Manager, Search, Settings, Sound Recorder, Spare Parts, Titanium Backup, Twidroyd PRO.
Are there any other ones we should remove? I am senior and grandson would not use Amazon, Facebook Amazon MP3 and that is why we wanted them gone. Are there any of the others that he would never use? We don't know what the Dev Tools, FBReader, Frng, IMDb, Kindle, Spare Parts Twidroyd Pro, Appoke, Adobe Reader, Aikido, Documents To Go are and therefore don't know if we should/could delete/uninstall them.
We believe/know Browser, Calculator, Camera, Clock Contacts, Email, Gallery, Getjar Apps,, Music, OI File Manager, Search, Settings, Sound Recorder, Titanium Backup should remain.

You have been such a great help. Much more than Elocity Support, etal.
Thanks so very much.
Hope I don't have to bother you again. (But think I might have to, if you don't mind.)

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Alice congratulations on your success.

If you can, now that you have the eLocity tablet to your configuration liking, make a backup, could not hurt, and only takes a few seconds.

Like you I removed Amazon, Amazon MP3, Facecrook, Twidroyd Pro, and IMDb.

I would leave the readers (Adobe, Aldiko, FBReader, Kindle) applications alone, you and junior might enjoy to use them.

I would leave Appoke, Fring and Getjar alone.

The others you have listed are system applications or beneficial to you the end user, your grandson and the overall health and proper performance of eLocity.

I'm glad I as able to help you, and maybe others. Like you I joined this forum looking for assistance for my elocity tablet, after yesterday's call from Bud from eLocity, providing me some information and a e-mail to contact him with, I'm a happy camper. I need another SD Micro adapter to update my firmware, then I'll be a real happy camper and keep my eLocity rather than return it. BTW I work on computers and servers all day, this Android OS and tablets are new too me.
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Alice congratulations on your success.

If you can, now that you have the eLocity tablet to your configuration liking, make a backup, could not hurt, and only takes a few seconds.

Like you I removed Amazon, Amazon MP3, Facecrook, Twidroyd Pro, and IMDb.

I would leave the readers (Adobe, Aldiko, FBReader, Kindle) applications alone, you and junior might enjoy to use them.

I would leave Appoke, Fring and Getjar alone.

The others you have listed are system applications or beneficial to you the end user, your grandson and the overall health and proper performance of eLocity.

I'm glad I as able to help you, and maybe others. Like you I joined this forum looking for assistance for my elocity tablet, after yesterday's call from Bud from eLocity, providing me some information and a e-mail to contact him with, I'm a happy camper. I need another SD Micro adapter to update my firmware, then I'll be a real happy camper and keep my eLocity rather than return it. BTW I work on computers and servers all day, this Android OS and tablets are new too me.

Again, my thanks for your assistance. I asked in previous message:
Just happened to go into "Backup/Restore" and saw all the apps. Again, just happened to put my finger on Amazon and a screen came up = "
Warning - You have no backup of the current version of this ap. You might have no up-to-date backup of this app's data. Do you want to uninstall it?"

#1- I clicked YES, and lo and behold, the Amazon was gone. Did I do right by clicking YES?

Then another pop-up about:
Warning - This will uninstall the system package. Some system packages are needed for your phone to work properly...... If you uninstall the wrong package it's your fault....."

#2- I clicked YES again. Was that correct?

Was the answer to #1 and #2 "YES?" Just want to make sure so I can pass-on to grandson.


#1- Stupid question: What do you mean by "If you can, now that you have the eLocity tablet to your configuration liking, make a backup, could not hurt, and only takes a few seconds?" And, why would it (backup) be needed?

#2- And how would I do it? Is it done for every item in that "Backup/Restore" section? There are many, many accounts/files listed there aren't there? Maybe 100? Some are colored red, some green, etc. Any significance to the coloring?
#3- Would doing a back-up for every item there cut down dramatically the free space on the A7 (which I believe is now just about 1.53GB!)?
#4- And so, if a program/app was 100MB, a backup would create another 100MB file and reduce total space by 100MB?
#5- If we did make a backup of a particular program/app and then we decided to uninstall that program/app, wouldn't the backup still remain there?

#6- BTW:
I happenrd to click on an account (by mistake) while in Backup/Restore and the pop-up box came up ("Accounts - Backup / Freeze! / Uninstall" - and in small letters = "Your maximum backup history is 1."). There was no way I could see to get rid of (close) that box. I had to turn the A7 off and then turn it on again. Is there an easier way to close that box? I tried the "Back: Tap to go back to the previous page" but it just took me back to the desktop (main screen); when I clicked on Titanium again, I went back to the same section and pop-screen was still there. Any way to close that pop-up screen without having to shut down?

#7- I notice when I click on the 4th item down on right 'bezel' (Menu: Tap to bring up the related shortcuts) it brings up the volume control pop-up (and search/notifications/settings in lower part of screen). When I click on the 5th item down I just see volume pop-up, which I believe is correct. But why the Volume in #4? Do you get the same thing?

Sorry to take up so much of your time with all these questions. It is just quite hard for us to understand this system.

P.S. I do have a 16GB SDHC card. If backups are necessary, could they be done to that or a 4GB SDHC card or a 2GB SD card?
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Wow that's a lot to read, digest and answer. I will get back to you tomorrow Super Bowl Sunday with answers.

Updated: I have a client with database-server-hosting issues today, they take priority. I will try and answer your questions within the next 48 hours
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