Enhancing 3656


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 29, 2011
I am starting this as more of a blog so that I can detail my work on the SuperPAD rom that just came out. I am going to add a few enhancements and also work out some bugs. If you have any tips on hex or you have hex code pieces that you would like me to use, please detail where they are from and I will try to work it in. Thanks!
ClockworkMod recovery coming very soon...
If you can improve the fabulous serious V.3656, I the install but did not work well the videos on youtube as expected, addition to photos, audio and video programs had problems to detect. Thank you.
I will be unpacking the ramdisk today and hopefully managing some scripts to get a custom boot up
Try Cfrockit. He seems very willing. Also, We now have a boot.img just no recovery
Any progress on ClockworkMod? Would like to see something come of this. I have the program installed on my SuperPad, but basically nothing works. It is functional.
* note * I noticed that a lot of people said that the Titanium Backup would not work on 2.2v2.1, but mine is installed and working normally. I made a full backup already. Working great.

Sent from a rooted SuperPAD clone with Android 2.2 :p