Error 505 everywhere


Dec 25, 2011
Got the 7 inch 2.2 Sylvania last night. Whenever I try to do anything with apps its displaying error 505. I did a search and didn't come up with anything here in the forums. Does anybody know what's going on with this, is the app site down or something? Getting frustrated trying to fix this problem. Especially since Im going out tomorrow morning for a 32 gig micro sd card, it would suck to spend the money and then not be able to do anything on it. Any help or explanation would be so greatly appreciated, Merry Christmas to all. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.
that is a "Assert Error" error or basically there is a glitch in the software.

#1: IF you are getting this error when trying to open existing apps, try doing an update via the Update screen in the settings area. If that doesnt take care of it, follow the instructions found HERE and do it manually.

#2: IF you are getting this while trying to download apps, it is a different beast. It is a "Version Not Supported" error. This can be caused by several things and is not necessarily a bad thing. It just may be that the APP Market maybe overloaded (just think of how many MILLIONS of people got new Android tablets today and are trying to download Angry Birds!) and is having issues itself. ***OR*** you may be trying to download an app that is only supported by 2.3 or an "Officially Branded" Google device. Our tablets are running Android, but are NOT Google Branded (thus the reason we do not have Google Market).
Thanks much for replying. Yea, it's happening when I try to get any apps at all. The tablet is brand new and I dont have any apps to try and load up. I had a feeling that it could be tons of people trying to download stuff like Angry Birds. Your post made me feel better about this little tablet, I think its going to be fun. Thanks again.
Thanks much for replying. Yea, it's happening when I try to get any apps at all. The tablet is brand new and I dont have any apps to try and load up. I had a feeling that it could be tons of people trying to download stuff like Angry Birds. Your post made me feel better about this little tablet, I think its going to be fun. Thanks again.

I advise you to get Amazon App market. It is more than enough if you only look for popular apps like angry birds etc.
It is easy - connect to your wifi, go to the Web browser, go to, find Androip App store, install it***...

*** the only got'cha can be: make sure to enable "Unknown Source" check-box under Settings -> Manage applications

Search this forum, if you decide you want to "root" your device, you could put even Google's original market!
I advise you to get Amazon App market. It is more than enough if you only look for popular apps like angry birds etc.
It is easy - connect to your wifi, go to the Web browser, go to, find Androip App store, install it***...

*** the only got'cha can be: make sure to enable "Unknown Source" check-box under Settings -> Manage applications

Search this forum, if you decide you want to "root" your device, you could put even Google's original market!

FIRST download UniversalAndRoot.apk and EStrongs Explorer.apk They will make your life a LOT easier!
Wow so many responses! Thanks everyone! I heard of the rooting thing =) will have to search for it and maybe give it a shot. This is great, thanks thanks thanks!
Thanks too. I bought a coby kyros tablet. Have been unsuccessful with appslib. Do u think amazon apps storeis havin any probs. This was a xmas present and jus want to download somethin for family to play
Amazon is a MUCH larger AppStore than SlideMe or AppsLib. They are used to high volume and would have to say "yes".
I responded to your rooting question in the other thread (the 505 error thread) and you really don't need to root your device. "Rooting" is where you unlock your phone or tablet so that you can "Root" around and change the Android framework (programming). This can be very dangerous if you are not an advanced user.

I still recommend ES Explorer, it is very functional and gives you more control over looking around and file transfer. It replaces the "MyTab.apk" that comes stock on your tablet. You can get it here . (You want the first version listed).
Yes I had recently gotten the same tablet and it gives me the 505 error.. Same thing with my cousins table too... I really hope they get this fixed! Send explanation of this problem or email.. thanks..and happy holidays..
but? I just download "my pad v1.0", and deleted the stock "my tab" version that came worthy the tablet, and its working great, the new my pad its more squared in graphics, and the icon its a red icon instead the white icon that came with it

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet
FIX for 505 SlideMe error.

Go HERE and update your SlideMe. Apparently SlideMe updated after some of the units shipped and they have the old (non-compatible) SlideMe on them.

Plus.... Its the holidays. Everyone is trying to get on the servers....
Got mine for xmass....... i found a work around to get the android market app installed. either download the app or APK online then transfer the file to the tablet using the SD card or the USB attachment to transferr from another pc... also i just downloaded ES explorer,,,and there shows up all the apps i downloaded but could not see the icons on the tablet screen
I responded to your rooting question in the other thread (the 505 error thread) and you really don't need to root your device. "Rooting" is where you unlock your phone or tablet so that you can "Root" around and change the Android framework (programming). This can be very dangerous if you are not an advanced user.

I still recommend ES Explorer, it is very functional and gives you more control over looking around and file transfer. It replaces the "MyTab.apk" that comes stock on your tablet. You can get it here . (You want the first version listed).
Yeah.. I wouldn't bother with the rooting. So much functionality without risking turning the device into a paperweight.
Now a new ROM with anything above Android 2.2 with a simple to flash methodology would be worth it.