Estrongs File Explorer


Dec 16, 2010
I just got estrong file explorer from the market and wanting to use it to move read only file. But when I went to settings>root options>root explorer, it says "only for systems with CM ROM or HIAPK ROM". Does anyone know which ROM s7 comes with?

it comes with the S7 ROM. Get Astro, this will work for your device.
Thank you for your quick response pbrauer.
I've just tried the astro, still not able to move read only files, the "insufficientpermission" show up briefly. How do you get permission in astro? My tablet is rooted by the way. Thanks again.
When I first started out on my phone I had problems with Astro, I could not seem to figure out how to move read only files as well. At that point I got Root Explorer and have not looked back. It is very much like a normal explorer but you get the option to mount and unmount up in the top when you need it.