Everyone in here that says there tablet shuts off its called slepp mode

I don't know about your tablet or even which one you have. If I tap the "Off" button on my NC it goes to sleep, if I hold it in it turns off.
I am really going to stop visiting this forum if theses are the only Intelligent Question people are going to be posting. Read the manual don't Waste the forums time.
I am really going to stop visiting this forum if theses are the only Intelligent Question people are going to be posting. Read the manual don't Waste the forums time.

hey is the power button used for turning on the tab or is it for powering on?

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
People have just been asking why there tablet shuts off after 10 sec

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum
It does not shut down it goes to sleep to conserve the battery, unless you are saying it goes thru a hard reboot. In which case it goes thru the Samsung Logo boot animation. Other than that it just pops right on to the lock screen (if you have one in place) or the last screen you where on.
I hope this solves the mystery of the shut down screen.
I have been having issue that when tab is docked in keyboard and plugged into charger that it does completely shut down and need a hard reboot.

Does not seem to be a common reason like after a certain amount of time or when a full charge. just sometimes it goes in sleep mode and wakes up quickly, other times completly shuts down and have to hold power button down 20s to get it to power up again.
If I leave it docked but not connected to charger just will go into sleep mode.
I have been leaving my Tablet docked (not the keyboard) It stay on sleep mood until I need to use it or needs a battery charge. Then I plug it it to the charger and when it's done I disconnected it. The reason for this is, I read long ago that the battery was bloating when left plug in after a full charge. Also the Tablet tells you it fully charge and to unplug it, so I follow their directions. So I never had the Unit turn completely off unless I do a reboot myself.
However I might add a few days ago my unit did do a reboot on it's own. I her the open logo jingle and wonder what had happen. I thought it did an update and rebooted, but when check it was still 3.2. Has not done it since.
My normal mode of working is without charger, either undocked or docked in samsung keyboard. When i see battery low or get pop up thats when it goes on charge. I take it off charge once its back up to full charge. If its undocked I don't recollect it fully shutting down while charging. Its seems only when docked in the samsung keyboard that it seems to do this. I could understand it if it shutdown when it reached full charge but seems random at what point it decides to shutdown. Is anyone else using it extensively with the samsung keyboard?
I'm experiencing the same problem as reported by "britinva":
When charging the Galaxy Tab™ 10.1 (Wi-Fi Only) – 32GB Metallic Gray, i've noticed that it will consistently require a cold start (must hold down the power button for ~10 - 12 seconds and the system will reboot) when charging the Tab via the keyboard. This seems to occur when the Tab is charged overnight (I'm guessing that it actually occurs when the charge reaches 100%).
The charging configuration is Tab --> keyboard --> original USB connector --> original charger --> 120v (USA) outlet.
The problem appears to be consistent. Again the problem occurs ONLY when:

1. Charing via the keyboard
2. During a long charge (like overnight or a few hours). Again, my "guess" is that it crashes when the battery reaches 100%

I attempted to contact Samsung support (guess how THAT went)...At first they told me that this was because the device should not be charged for > 6 hours. When I asked "why this restriction only applies when charging via the keyboard, and also asked for documentation that states this", they backed down. Then the usual round of support questions (Q: "have you reset the device", A: "yes"; Q: "Are you up to date on firmware", A: "yes"). Ultimately, they suggested that I send the device back for servicing ( I am reluctant to send back an otherwise healthy Tab (to have it disassembled and/or a refurbished unit sent back in return), and would prefer not to have to reinstall my software and settings.).

If others are also experiencing this problem, it would be good to know!

Likewise, if others are able to successfully charge their Tab via the Keyboard and NOT experience the problem, that would also be helpful -- this would suggest that the problem is with my unit (and britinva's).

Well glad not just me imagining things. I too thought might be due to charge reaching 100% but I have experienced issue many times at much lower battery levels. Like you seems only when charging via keyboard - never had it completly shutdown when charging via cable alone.
I also have a problem when using my Tab with the keyboard dock. When connected to the keyboard the Tab turns itself off (not sleep) after a period of inactivity. The Tab does not do this when not docked. This is the second keyboard I've had (the first I sent back because it had a rattle) and the first keyboard did not turn off my Tab as this keyboard does. Contrary to a post above, there is nothing in the manual about this and an internet search brings up this forum. This issue fundamentally affects how I use the Tab and Keyboard for writing up minutes whilst in meetings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Colin good to see ya here :)

Mike Apparicio is also around - anyways unfortunately i don't have a dcok so cannot comment on your issue but do also checkout GalaxyTabForums.net where you might get some responses

I also have a problem when using my Tab with the keyboard dock. When connected to the keyboard the Tab turns itself off (not sleep) after a period of inactivity. The Tab does not do this when not docked. This is the second keyboard I've had (the first I sent back because it had a rattle) and the first keyboard did not turn off my Tab as this keyboard does. Contrary to a post above, there is nothing in the manual about this and an internet search brings up this forum. This issue fundamentally affects how I use the Tab and Keyboard for writing up minutes whilst in meetings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Following was posted over at GalaxyTabForums.net

"Go to settings/applications/development and put a check in the 'stay awake' box. This will cause the Tab to stay awake while charging. If you want to put the device to sleep, tap the power button. Tap again to wake. "

Just changed that setting on mine so will feed back results.
well so far not a single complete shutdown, most that happens when docked with power is the screen dims.

so this is a good solution for me.