facebook app/ebay app on elonex etouch


Jan 26, 2011
hi all,i'm a newbie,i bought this elonex etouch for my husband,how do you get the facebook/ebay app???,i tried searching on the android market but that was a waste of time,(i am firmiliar with android market as i have a android mobile),i tried searching on the android market,but that proved fruitless,the only way to access facebook/ebay is to go on the internet using the etouch,but my husband don't wanna keep searching for this websites all the time,i wanna app on the screen so all he gotta do is put his finger on it,any help anyone????
You'll need to download the apk files for each, copy them onto a SD card and install.

I did this with mine and the FB app and it works the same as my Android phone.

Just wish I had a working marketplace :(
hiya Tystar,thanks for replying,how do i get the apk files?,which website?the android market on this etouch is s**t,it works better on my HTC wildfire,it's like on the etouch they have put a block so you can only certain apps,why do they list only free ones???,i'm really disappointed with it,but my husband think it's great????.i have lost count the amount of times it's crashed. arrggghh.................i have tried to download weather app from the android market using the etouch...........doesn't find no weather apps...........i feel like chucking it out the window,it's useless....android market don't work,certain web pages don't work,and pls can someone tell me what is the usb lead for?????.............
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I've not had many issues with crashing etc, I've just searched the usual sites for the apk files. I installed apkshare and get most of the files from there then go on torrent sites to get the apk if i cant get it from apkshare app.