Feedly vs. Pulse


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
So, I have been an avid Pulse user for 6 months, love it and use it several times a day for reading my feeds. Last night I installed Feedly on the G-Tablet and am thinking I may have found a new tool.

Anyone else using Feedly? Anyone else using Pulse? Anyone switched from one to the other? Why? What features made it go one way or the other? Right now the only thing that i really don't like is no landscape view on the tablet for Feedly, but i may be missing a setting somewhere.

Lemme know!
I have tried several RSS readers for Android devices, including Pulse, Feedly, gReader (and gReader Pro), and NewsRob. Some comments:

- Pulse: has a very inviting and slick interface and is fun to use. However, it seemed to be limited to only 60 feeds (in 5 groups of 12 feeds). which was a bit of a show-stopper for me as I follow about 250 feeds (I know, probably too many!). It also does not seem to have the ability to mark all as read for a feed, which can be a very efficient feature for busy feeds. Also, no ability to download feeds for offline reading.

- Feedly: Works great under the Chrome browser. Still a bit of a quirky interface on Android, but with the 2.0 version it is getting better. And as you mentioned, currently no landscape mode, but they hope to have this soon. Also, no ability to download feeds for offline reading. They continually update the Chrome version, so I expect a similar fine-tuning on the Android app.

- gReader (and gReader Pro): A more spartan list-based interface, but very efficient. Has offline reading functions, which is great for my use with the gTablet as I have a long train commute with no wireless access during that time. Syncs well with Google Reader for read and saved articles. The Pro version has a nice Dark theme which looks great on the gTablet. gReader Pro is my current favorite RSS reader for the gTablet!

- NewsRob: similar to gReader. I recall having some inconsistencies in keeping it in sync with my read/unread articles, so I switched to gReader and never switched back. Worth a look.

Hope these comments help...
I just started using app called more good news, which is Korean I think a and has an interesting interface. I also like pulse a lot.

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