files get renamed


Sep 12, 2013
My laptop died. I need to update the firmware on a media player. Normally I do this my downloading the firmware, copying the files to a usb stick and placing the stick in the media player etc.

I did the same thing with the asus tablet. It has usb capabilty and wrote the files to the stick just fine. The stick was previously formatted fat32. I removed the stick and replaced it - files were still there and readable on the tablet.

I put the stick in the media player and the files were not recognized. I put the stick back in the tablet and found all the files had been renamed 000,001,002 etc. The contents of the files were unchanged, just the names were changed. Name extensions were removed. I tried writing some video files to a stick and playing them in a usb capable tv - same result.

The sticks were safely removed from the tablet in every case.

Can anyone tell me what is happening? Is Android superimposing its own file system on top of the fat32 somehow?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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