Firmware Upgrade - B&N, SAM, ES File Explorer and OfficeSuite apps not installed


Mar 26, 2011
I tried the Android firmware upgrade for a 7" white eReader but the B&N, ES File Explorer, OfficeSuite and SAM (Slide) apps are not installed. The icons are there but when I click them, I get the msg "application not installed on your phone". Wifi, browser, photos, games all work.

When I try the firmware upgrade again it detects the old file and asks if I want to redown load it. I've tried both ways and there are no changes.

Holding the volume and power buttons for 5 secs only displays the devise options menu (power off / cancel). Again no change if I choose 'power off' and turn it back on.

I have been to the pandigital website and cannot find a firmware update to get me back to stock.

What are my options? Pulling the internal memory card and doing the white firmware upgrade?
Is reflash going thru the firmware upgrade twice? If that's the case I've done it with no change. Or is it the pressing the reset button or holding the volume and on/off button to reboot?
Is reflash going thru the firmware upgrade twice? If that's the case I've done it with no change. Or is it the pressing the reset button or holding the volume and on/off button to reboot?

After you download the firmware, push volume +and power and letting it go through the upgrade, then shut it down and right away hit volume + and power again and let it go through the flash process again. Do not download the firmware twice.
I was able to get it to boot using the volume+ on/off switch but it looks like I'm in the same boat as someone else you are coaching (triangle over the andriod). In another thread you asked which update the guy was using. I'm using the standard and not the open system upgrade.

You also mentioned loading it to the/a SD card. Is that the internal one or an external one? I've seen instructions for upgrading to the 'white' open system version and it involved taking the internal SD card out, loading the zip file to an external SD card and booting from there. Is that my next option?

Thanks for your help so far.
I'm far from an expert on this, just relaying what I've done. You might want to read through the wiki at

I think I'd turn the unit on, press the reset button, plug it into your computer and go through the upgrade process again and then try the volume +/power button deal twice and see what you get. If that doesn't work you might search at slatedroid about intall loop or loop, there were some having problems with upgrading.

I thought that pandigital had cured those problems but maybe not.
Thanks! The was a great resource. It helped me fix the problem. I'm posting the link and text for anyone else with the same problem.

WPDN:pandigital FW upgrader now creates backup -

When running the PanDigital upgrader application, before you disconnect and power down your WPDN to flash, check the contents of the internal microSD / external SD card(s).

Since the new upgrader creates a backup, old FirmWare files may be restored along with the new and could result in an exclamation Andy. Be sure to delete any older FirmWare files backed up and leave only the current downloaded one on. Then proceed with your flash.

There were two zip files on my Pandigital S10_09_23_B_PD_INX7E_ENG_6410POP (the original firmware version) and SH20_20110302_K_PD_INX7E_ENG_6410POP (the new one). I deleted the old version off the Pandigital, pressed the volume+ and on/off button and the upgrade worked.

thanks again.
Makes good sense!

I did not have that problem since I always save all firmware files for future possible needs and when I do I cut the old one and paste it to my hard drive. Glad I have that old habit :)

Glad you got it fixed!
Thank you!

Yeah, I had the same problem and you solution worked. I knew I could count on this forum for the answer!!!

Now to find my backup files!!
Ok the suggestions everyone lists here are great, except. I did the upgrade already. how do I go back and I guess get my upgrade to work correctly?

Thanks to the advice and help posts from both Bear and exsentric, I was able to go back and reinstall and then FLASH TWICE and now all the apps work, found my ebooks and it's all good. The only thing I haven't mastered is how do I get my ebooks from the ext. sd card onto the reader itself. I can see/open read books with sd card in reader. but don't seem to be able to transfer books to reader. Did I miss something?

At any rate, THANK YOU, this forum is excellent.

The only thing I haven't mastered is how do I get my ebooks from the ext. sd card onto the reader itself. I can see/open read books with sd card in reader. but don't seem to be able to transfer books to reader. Did I miss something?

At any rate, THANK YOU, this forum is excellent.

Assuming you're using the BN app that's included in the firmware, you don't actually HAVE to transfer them. The app checks the ebook directory on the internal memory and the SD card.

On the other hand, if you just WANT to transfer them, so you can pull the SD card and use it for something else, there are 2 ways I can think of off the top of my head.

1. Connect your Novel to your computer using the USB cable, with the SD card installed in the Novel. Both the internal memory and the SD card should be detected as USB storage devices, and you can then open them both up and transfer between both storage locations and your computer in whatever manner you like.

2. You can use the ES File Explorer app to copy from the SD card to the internal memory.
a) By default, the app opens with your SD card displayed. Tap the ebooks folder, then long-tap the book you want to copy. When the Operations menu pops up, select copy.
b) Now tap the left-most icon of the command bar just above your file list. ( on mine, it looks like either an SD card or a house). Tap it again, as many times as it takes for the address bar just above the command bar to change to just a /, with a small icon I can't make out just to the left of it, or possibly /PD_Novel. (not sure if the fact that my Novel is rooted makes a difference here.) If you're at /, then tap the PD_Novel directory icon.
c) Now tap the eBooks directory icon. Depending on how many books you've got loaded, it may take a minute to display.
d) Now tap the grey tab with the blue button at the bottom center of the display. The tab should expand and have the file you copied displayed. Long-tap the file, and select paste from the menu.
e) You're done. You can tap the "folder with an up arrow" icon on the command bar several times to exit ES File Explorer.